Some days I wish I had a crystal ball. Wouldn't you like to know that what you hope for now will become a reality in the future? I am not talking about God's ultimate promise of eternity but about the future of the church and, more specifically, the next few generations. What do you see when you envision your congregation in 20 years? Is your gathered church just for you or does it include those who will come into adulthood in 2033?

Commissioner Rosalie Peddle and I meet different congregations—big, small, rural and urban—each Sunday. We meet the most wonderful congregants and rarely is there any need for a negative critique except the haunting question, “Where will they be in 10 or 20 years?”

In late August, I attended the final program of the National Music Camp, where 180 youth participated in brass, vocal, worship teams, film, drama, timbrels and other forms of ministry (see article). Frankly, it was overwhelming and inspiring. In my devotions at the final program, I used words I heard earlier in the week: “Some would say the Army is dying. I would say, not tonight!” A glimpse of our potential future was all around me.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) released a study last year, Hemorrhaging Faith, that took a snapshot of the church landscape across the nation in relation to our young adults. The study was a wake-up call to every denomination, including The Salvation Army. Beyond the statistics and doom-and-gloom, there was a concise and practical overture as to how we might reverse trends and capture the hearts and minds of our youth once again. It appeared to me that the challenge, though formidable, was not impossible. In fact, our expression of the body of Christ seemed well-positioned to engage with the passionate hearts of our youth. The EFC noted that to stop the hemorrhage and secure the future, we have to deepen our discipleship initiatives, appeal to youths' existing passion to be positive influences in their communities, engage them in a mission experience both home and abroad, and ensure they feel comfortable asking penetrating questions.

But where are the champions for our youth? Aside from the ordained and hired, who is stepping into the gap where role models are scarce, mentors are few and Christian influences are reduced to an occasional encounter at an organized event? I am the product of the investment of other people—many of whom were my youth leaders. Bless those who step up and out into this strange world that we call the youth culture of today. We need “boots on the ground” in corps across the territory.

I want to be a catalyst for future-proofing the Army. Not only with functional property, appropriate programs and a strong financial base, but also with young, creative, talented, mission-minded people who will make the Army their home, serve in their corps and work in the Army's social services. But I know I can't do this alone.

Can I, with respect, make an accusation? Our young people frequent our camps, youth councils and area youth gatherings and often return to their home corps alone, isolated and destined to be absent and lost, at least to the Army. In every setting, as Salvationists we must be willing to inspire youth to use their talents, ignite and fuel their passion and trust them to lead.

Some are saying that one of the conditions of our corps' existence should be measured by their active and fruitful youth ministry. Some corps and youth leaders have this figured out and are already experiencing God's blessing through youth ministry. But how does your corps stack up? What can you do? How can we future-proof our Army?

Commissioner Brian Peddle is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.


On Wednesday, November 27, 2013, D Jefcoat said:

upon reading my post I noticed my typing and thoughts don't match up. there is a sentence that reads "Remember this isolated to the Army. it should read "Remember this isn't isolated to the Army." I do apologize if I created hard feelings or confusion.

On Friday, November 22, 2013, D Jefcoat said:

Great article Commissioner Peddle. There are many churches that will be here in 100 years but many will not be here next year. This is occurring not only in the Army but in every denomination, every movement, every affiliation, even in the non-affiliated world. And the question that needs to be answered how do we secure the future? Investing in kids is a great start. I know many a family that the last contact they have with the church is when the kids are picked up from the local corp, church, or community parking lot. Remember this isolated to the Army. Much more needs to be done to attract children and families to the church. Also don't neglect the young adults. If they feel welcomed else where they will go elsewhere. And if they are relied on to much for worker duties they will burn out. These young adults are the next set of families in your community so where do you want them? In your corp? at the church down the road? Sleeping in on Sundays?

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