Captain Tim Andrews Divisional Youth Secretary, Newfoundland and Labrador Division For me, Boundless was an affirmation of the global and multicultural nature of The Salvation Army. The vast display of uniformed Salvationists was a sight to behold, demonstrating camaraderie and fellowship among us that transcended our individual cultures.
With 15,000 Salvationists gathered for worship, the atmosphere in the arena was electrifying. The media presentations and musical performances were outstanding, but the Holy Spirit was the true source of this power. His presence was felt in every session. A particularly powerful moment for me came during the fourth session, A Caring Army, as I watched a dramatic presentation about God's ability to free us from the bondage of sin through the power of the cross.
Since attending congress, the word “boundless” has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I now associate it not just with the founder's song, but also with the nature of God. God's grace, Jesus' love and the Spirit's power are boundless.
Rebekah Allen Mississauga Temple Community Church, Ont. On the second night of the Army's Boundless congress in London, England, I was participating in a late-night concert as a member of the Ontario Central-East Divisional Youth Chorus. The Angola National Band was playing an uplifting, dance-worthy song that filled the room, and as I looked out, every person in that room was smiling, dancing and glorifying God. At that moment, I was reminded of Revelation 7:9, which says that people from every tribe and nation will stand before the throne of God.
I left Boundless with the reminder that I live in a small corner of the vast and beautiful world God created—a world with a multitude of languages, cultures and people. Yet we all worship the same God. The challenge I am left with is how am I going to spread the unconditional love of God in my small corner of the world? How am I going to be a shining light in the dark places and carry out what William Booth began, reaching those in need? I hope the joy I experienced as the Angolans filled the platform with song and dance will be the joy that fills my life.
Mark Preece with William Himes, then bandmaster of the Chicago Staff Band
Mark Preece Haven of Hope Ministries, Regina During the first session, I was overwhelmed being in The O2 arena, packed with Salvationists singing O Boundless Salvation! Throughout the week, it was incredible to see the sense of community among the thousands of Salvationists who had come from all around the world. I appreciated the differing styles of traditional music and dance during the sessions and the personal testimonies of Salvationists from various countries. Being a third-generation bandsman and the bandmaster at Haven of Hope, I enjoyed the different staff bands that contributed to the worship. It was encouraging to see that the Salvation Army brass movement is not a thing of the past, but rather a valuable tool that helps people grow closer to God. We can nurture our musical heritage while also looking into the future. Boundless was not merely a celebration of the past 150 years, but a jumpstart for the next 150.
Andrea Cann with Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women's Ministries
Andrea Cann North Street Citadel, Hamilton, Bermuda From the first meeting to the last, the challenge was issued—that Boundless would not be an emotional event, but a Spirit-filled revolution that emanates and resonates well beyond the days of the congress. It was a battle cry to live truly boundless in obedience to God and with a heart for humankind that is reminiscent—but not vainly repetitious—of our founders' vision. I was forced to reflect on the sincerity of my witness and to consider the authenticity of my walk with Christ. It was, and still is, difficult to see where I fall short, despite my good intentions. I need Jesus daily. His grace amazes me in ways that force me to my knees, knowing that everything I lack is found in him.
At Boundless, General Cox left me with many questions to ponder: Am I willing to allow my heart—my life—to be impacted and transformed by the working of the Holy Spirit? Am I willing to allow God to unleash the full embodiment of boundless salvation so that I am genuinely his joyfully obedient servant? May God's boundless love reign throughout his church.
Daniel Schriver poses with a statue of William Booth in the East End of London
Daniel Schriver Fredericton Community Church What an amazing time Boundless was! Five days packed with music, dance and fellowship with Salvationists from around the world—and I would have gladly stayed for more. I had the opportunity to see brass bands, songsters, choirs, timbrel brigades, dance groups and artists from all corners of the earth. But that was only part of the purpose of the congress, which was a celebration of The Salvation Army's past, present and future. I enjoyed learning about the birth of the Army and its successes and struggles as it grew out of East London. But what stood out to me was how congress was a rallying cry for us as soldiers of God. Using the testimonies of others, as well as his own, General Cox drove home the need for all of us to return home rejuvenated and prepared to continue fighting to win the world for Christ. James 2:17 says, “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” Our founders did not sit still, being content with their faith alone, and it is essential that, as Salvationists, we do not content ourselves with our own salvation.
Jonathan Evans 614 Corps, Vancouver At Boundless, I was reminded that we are called to be a sacrificial Army with an eternal perspective. As General Cox shared, “Real security can only be found in God. This security comes from surrendering to God's call and empowerment in your life.” This was reinforced with testimonies demonstrating the sacrifices and risks Salvationists take to serve God by fighting for souls. Testimonies from the Army's youth highlighted the importance of discipling young people and having them contribute to our corps. The General's sharpest words were for corps that do not focus on youth: “If you come from a corps that has no program to share the love of Jesus with young people and grow them as leaders in your corps, shame on you!” Though these words may be offensive to some, they are true. The life of the Army depends on passing the knowledge and power of Christ from generation to generation.
The most encouraging aspect of congress for me was the many international expressions of the Army. The O2 arena reminded me of the words from General Gowans' song: “They shall come from the east, they shall come from the west, and sit down in the kingdom of God.” Indeed, the whole congress was a reflection of how God's boundless love is redeeming the world.
Take the Boundless Challenge
Did you attend the Boundless congress? Here are some ways to keep the spirit of Boundless alive and spread its message.
Write down the things you learned at Boundless, while they are fresh in your mind, so you can return to them later
Share a personal testimony during a service about your experience at Boundless
Watch the main sessions again online ( and share the videos with others, at a church service or on social media
Have a Boundless Sunday that features testimonies, reports and video clips from various sessions
Hold meetings to pray for the international Army
Connect with one or more delegates from another country and then exchange updates and prayer requests on a regular basis
On this episode, Nancy Turley, territorial abuse advisor for Canada and Bermuda, shares some of the dangers young people may face online, along with practical suggestions to stop problems before they start.
Each year, the month of February is designated in our territory as Call and Commitment Month, where we create space for individuals to discern and explore God’s call on their lives.
Through fellowship lunches, friendly competitions and fun incentives, Salvationists and supporters tapped into their creativity to contribute to the 2025 Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign.
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