In the two articles below, Lt-Colonel Dean Pallant, director of the International Social Justice Commission and international accountability movement coordinator, International Headquarters, and General André Cox explain The Salvation Army's Accountability Movement, which applies to every territory, command and region around the globe.

Time to Get Moving
by Lt-Colonel Dean Pallant

2016 is going to be a landmark year for The Salvation Army's Accountability Movement. This is the time to encourage every officer, Salvationist, employee and friend to get involved. The Accountability Movement is important because it is an opportunity for people to be renewed by God's Spirit and refocused on God's mission to redeem his world.

First of all, let's be clear about the breadth and scope of the word 'accountability'. Many people think it is just about money. It is much more than that. Accountability is integrally connected to stewardship. We have a responsibility to give account to those who have entrusted us with something. So much of what we hold we do not own. For example, the public trusts the Army with their money, officers trust the Army with our working lives and, most importantly, God has entrusted to the Army the gospel.

For more than two years I have been involved in countless meetings and discussions at IHQ and in many territories about accountability. If meetings could change the Army we would be perfect by now! Having said that, we had to be thorough and detailed to even start to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by The Salvation Army serving in 127 countries.

Click here to download and read Lt-Colonel Dean Pallant's article.

Christ's Values Always Central
by General André Cox

Since my election as the General I have been focused on issues relating to accountability. I have spoken about this at the 2014 International Conference of Leaders (ICL) in Singapore, and the keynote address at the General's Consultative Council (GCC) in January 2015 followed this theme. This focus is not something that came as a blinding revelation to me at the 2013 High Council, but is the fruit of things that have preoccupied me for much of my 36 years of service as a Salvation Army officer.

The subjects of accountability and impact measurement were widely discussed at the ICL in 2014 and were indeed a significant focus of that particular conference. The need for accountability was recognised as an urgent priority and endorsed by all the territorial and command leaders present. Since then, things have moved on.

The four main work streams of the Accountability Movement are now well established. Their purpose is to help us strengthen accountability across the worldwide Salvation Army. I must stress that this is something that applies to every territory, command and region around the globe. It is therefore essential that we engage in this journey at all levels. The principles apply to the office of the General right down to the remotest corps or smallest Salvation Army programme.

Click here to download and read General André Cox's article.

Both articles reprinted from The Officer, January/February 2016.


On Thursday, February 4, 2016, Roger Bunting said:

Within the Salvation Army we have a complete mix of talents and alongside that we have many very capable Officers and laiety. However, because our Founder, rightly in my view, told his early day Salvationists "Go for sinners and go for the worst!" it follows that we must also within our midst have those that need to be supervised to some degree or other. That is where a positive management system should come into play and suitable supervision appropriate to the individual needs comes into play.

They Key Question is "Do we properly identify not only those who do need not just supervision, but help and positive encouragement to grow within their Christian Faith and link them with those who do have experience, knowledge and professionalism."

Many years ago I witnessed the decimation of one Corps purely because the above had not been put in place. There was a failure to act and give support where needed.

I Make no bones about it - we do have within our ranks very many very capable people both Officers, local officers and laiety and I was privileged to have been brought up from my childhood years by parents and close relatives which included those in such positions. Many in our congregations do come from very disadvantaged families, and rightly so - General Booth was right! Following his "Orders" is not necessarily easy and it places upon us all the duty of care, encouragement and support, provided promptly to those that would benefit from the experience, and encouragement of those who do have the appropriate experience and skills. Do we have such support readily available and do we know how and from whom to initiate help when it may be urgently required?
Market Rasen

On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Adrian Tostevin said:

As a former Salvation Army Soldier I can empathise with much of what Wes Kendrick says (Wes was actually one of the Band Masters at my first SA summer Music school back in the late 70's).
Having just read the General's report on Accountability I am thinking about how different the job of General is now, compared to what it was for William Booth.
How did the SA get from being a red-hot Army, quick to act and passionate for the lost, to being a huge institution, slowly drowning in a sea of bureaucracy???
I know of an SA corps which has had to go through endless hours of red tape in the past few years whilst the housing estate of around 200 souls right across the road doesn't have any connection with them at all! How will they hear the Gospel if no one steps out, makes relationship with them, and shares the Good News with them??? It's hardly Rocket Science!!!!
That, in my opinion, is the heart of the problem.

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, John Rees said:

Thank God that at long last the light is being shone in some very dark corners. What courage will be required to actually do something! What destruction if nothing is actually done! To the General we say Grace and wisdom be yours.

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Wesley Kendrick said:

Too little too late. The decades of poor leadership and squandering of its most precious resource, it's people, have debilitated the Army to a state of impotence that is unlikely to recover from.
Since leaving it's ranks I have realised how small and insignificant it is when looked at from the outside in.
A prominent evangelist from another denomination warned the Army of this slow collapse some years ago. Being wrapped up in the Army so much I, like others, did not believe what he said.
It's much easier to see from where I stand now, but my opinion matters little...

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Bramwel Kisali said:

God bless you all it will be of a change yo everyone who will accept to be accountable

On Monday, February 1, 2016, Beth b said:

General Cox,
As a former Salvation Army officer, I pray that accountability will be just that. My husband and I were wrongfully let go in 2005 as a result of officers that failed to listen and played favorites toward us. To make a long story short, we had our calling cut way short due to superiors that failed to listen and took sides with more "seasoned" officers that lied about us in every aspect of who we are. We we were told that once the Territorial commander made his decision, it was final, but after we left (after MUCH heartache) we could have appealed to the General who most likely would of overturned that decision. I pray no one else's ministry/calling has to be ended due to "seasoned" officers who don't like someone.
Thank you very much

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