Major Christine Johnston- Executive Director

Faithfully ministering as a Salvation Army officer since 1996, Christine’s experiences in British Columbia and Ontario as Corps Officer (pastor) and Chaplain have provided valuable insight into the many ethical and social issues in the world today. She was a member of the past Social Issues Committee and is a current member of the Territorial Moral and Social Issues Committee. She holds a Certificate in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care from Booth University College.

Christine’s recent 12 years serving in the area of disability ministry was a significant time in which she served with a renewed sense of calling and passion. God used the people that she ministered with to contribute positively to her personal life, develop her professional and spiritual abilities and gifts, and inspire her to seek justice and belonging for all people. She will be forever grateful for this season of her life and continues to be passionate about disability and accessibility.

Creativity, leadership, visioning and discernment are some of Christine’s primary gifts. Reliance on God is of utmost importance as she seeks to serve effectively in her current role. She firmly believes that it is only through God the Creator of all, the example and teachings of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we receive wisdom and conviction to be salt and light in today’s ever-changing times.

Christine and her husband Jeff have 3 adult children. Jeff and Christine have pastored together and served in separate roles. Jeff is currently in the role of Executive Director of Community Services in the Prairie Division. Their children, of whom they are most proud, have all chosen varied career paths; Nathan is employed as a landscape lead-hand in Toronto, Sarah works with The Salvation Army in British Columbia as a Case Worker, and Aaron is a recent graduate from the Fashion Techniques and Design Program at George Brown College in Toronto.

Christine enjoys visits with her extended family, reading, painting and attempts to stay fit by walking, running, cycling and practicing yoga.

Christine is excited about her new role as the Executive Director of the Ethics Centre and looks forward to leading and growing together with the team.

Major Christine Johnston Portrait