As an officer or employee of The Salvation Army in Canada & Bermuda, you were invited to participate in the Territorial Values Survey earlier this year. We’re pleased to report that there were 1418 respondents to the survey – thank you!

The Values Survey emphasizes the importance of values in all aspects of ministry and helps create a healthy functioning organization. It is a tool for identifying areas for improvement within the organization and ensuring values alignment.

The survey asked participants to select their top ten personal values, identify the values present currently in their day-to-day work culture, and specify values they would like to see in their work culture.

These are the questions you were asked and the top ten responses for each:

[From a list of 100 values] Please select 10 of the following values/behaviours that most reflect who you are, not what you desire to become.

Top Ten
1. Accountability
2. Compassion
3. Caring
4. Honesty
5. Family
6. Faith
7. Respect
8. Leadership
9. Positive attitude
10. Integrity

[From a list of 100 values] Please select 10 of the following values/behaviours that, from your own experience, best describe how your ministry unit and your division/The Salvation Army currently operate.

Top Ten
1. Community Involvement
2. Compassion
3. Caring
4. Accountability
5. Faith
6. Dignity
7. Service
8. Teamwork
9. Bureaucracy
10. Brand Image

[From a list of 100 values] Please select 10 of the following values/behaviours that, in your opinion, are essential for your ministry unit and your division/The Salvation Army to reach their highest potential.

Top Ten
1. Accountability
2. Coaching/mentoring
3. Leadership development
4. Teamwork
5. Adaptability
6. Compassion
7. Community involvement
8. Open communication
9. Faith
10. Continuous improvement

This year’s results identified five values that carried over from survey respondents’ view of the current work culture to their desired work culture: accountability, compassion, community involvement, faith, and teamwork. Three of these values—accountability, faith, and compassion—are also valued in survey respondents’ personal lives.

Additionally, the survey responses identified ten values that need improvement or enhancement to shape a better future for the territory. The overall results indicate confidence and alignment within the organization, but there is still work to be done.

These results are being discussed with leadership teams across the territory. Leadership will be encouraged to use the results to continue improving the workplace culture.

Should you have any questions concerning the results, process, or the survey mechanism, please contact us at the Ethics Centre.

To learn more about our territorial core values, please visit

Again, thank you for your participation.

Emily MacFarlane
Consultant, Organizational Ethics and Management

Download the report here


On Thursday, September 7, 2023, Nayan said:

Nice blog thanks for sharing

On Friday, October 30, 2020, Trevor Lewis said:

Why weren't members (soldiers and adherents) invited to take part in this survey, or given the same survey as a separate group? As "just" a salvationist, does my opinion not count, or help define our core values? Does it differ from the opinion of "employees"?

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