Values and Leadership Newsletter

The Values & Leadership Newsletter is a monthly e-newsletter focusing on organizational leadership, values and ethics, and non-profits in general.

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Food for Thought | March 2022

It has been over two years since the start of the pandemic, and we have all experienced change in some way or another. Even now, it is evident change is still unfolding. In March 2020, the world shut down and demanded that we innovate. From how we work to how we worship to how we connect with one another were all impacted. Change in response to the pandemic has been a necessity. Yet it has demonstrated just how difficult adapting to change can be. Fast forward to today. We are still experiencing change; however, we have seen a shift in the reasons behind it. We are no longer reacting to crisis. We are recognizing opportunities for creativity and innovation that were not so obvious before.

Shifting from tirelessly adapting to the changes thrown at us to recognizing change as an aspect of flourishing as an organization is critical. This reduces the idea of change as a threat and opens our eyes to opportunity and growth. This shift, however,  is more effective in organizations ready for change, that are agile. Taking steps now to prepare for change will develop a team that is ready for it.

In the News

How do I know whether my church is ready to innovate?

The pandemic has taught leaders that even the best-laid plans can be interrupted. The need to pivot demands we ask ourselves how ready we are to innovate. “When life gives you flour with an expiration date, share it with the community to make bread!”


Fostering change agility and readiness in your organization

Experiences of recent years taught us that change is constant and necessary. This has intensified the need to ensure we are ready for change. “Considering the current climate, developing change agility as a competency has never been more important.”


5 ways to build readiness for change in your organization

Leading change is challenging and more than ever organizations are becoming aware of a lack of readiness for it. Whether change is planned or a result of disruption, now is the time to implement steps for change readiness.  


Agile transformation: 3 ways to achieve success

Constant change in the last couple of years has opened our eyes to areas that have needed innovation. Now we must ensure our teams and organizations are agile and can respond effectively to change.


Legacy change management makes way for human-centred change agility

As a result of the continuous change we are seeing today, change management practices have also needed to adapt. We are no longer just managing change initiatives. We are developing agile organizations.

From our Shelves

Rather than speaking specifically to change theory or practice, Crucial Conversations provides practical guidance for talking to people about change when it really matters. This bookwill empower you to lead important and necessary conversations in a variety of contexts.


Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations

Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, et al.

McGraw Hill, 3rd edition (2021)


©2021 Ethics Centre |

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