Ministry Resources
While the Gifts of Hope campaign is one that is available throughout the year, it is particularly popular during the fall months and leading into Christmas. This program provides just the right gift solution for those who want to give to people in need all around the world, making a difference in their lives and giving hope!
By popular request, the World Missions department is providing the following resources for 2022-2023 Gifts of Hope campaign, in both English and French:
- Powerpoint slides
- Poster
- Bulletin inserts
The powerpoint slides are designed to be included with each ministry unit's weekly announcement slide presentation or at other times throughout the week that may be appropriate. The month for which each slide has been prepared is stated in the notes section of the slide.
Download the Printable Order Form:
Download the Powerpoint:
- Standard Size (4:3)
- Widescreen Size (16:9)
Download the Poster:
- Poster size (11 x 17)
- Letter size (8.5 x 11)
Download the Bulletin Insert:
Cliquez ici pour les ressources en français.
(If a Windows Security message pops up while accessing these resources, simply 'x' out of the window to proceed.)
If you require a specific resource for your ministry unit, please do not hesitate to contact International Development at: SAID@salvationarmy.ca
Thank you for your support of the international work of the Salvation Army!