Public Affairs News

The Salvation Army has an International Positional Statement on “the State”.

According to this statement: “The Salvation Army is politically nonpartisan. Although it seeks to influence governmental and public affairs, it will not promote or endorse specific candidates or political parties.” But at the same time, it believes in being politically active: “The Salvation Army seeks to promote Biblical values, including justice, truth, mercy, equity, human rights and peace, as part of its religious convictions and practice.”

Practical actions that follow include “seeking opportunities to work in cooperation with the State and its agencies whenever their actions promote a just and fair society” and showing care for politicians—“seeking to offer pastoral care to those who undertake the onerous responsibilities of political and government leadership, and ...endeavouring wherever possible to create productive relationships with those who hold positions of authority in the State.”

Though this declares the position of the Salvation Army as a church, the hope is that it will guide individuals as they go to the polls and otherwise get involved as citizens.

Learn more about The Salvation Army's position on a variety of topics at our Ethics Centre. You can find our Position Statements HERE.

For resources and articles on the Election visit the Public Affairs Election 2021 page.


On Monday, September 13, 2021, John Stephenson said:

And this positional statement is clear. TSA does not officially promote a specific part and its platforms BUT should and does comment on those portions of all party platforms that cause concern due to conflict with what a follower of Christ believes. I find myself to be (if I can use the labels) a leftist leaning person some issues and a right winger on others as will as being middle of the road on some. For me usually I end up voting Conservative based on a balance between views but have been a CCF\NDP supporter in the past and led our University NDP/CCF party in student parliament back in the late 60s. But what I think is important is that Salvationists should participate as individuals and exercise their right to vote. I have hard so many over the years suggest that it is sinful (wrong) to be political.

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