The Salvation ArmyArmée du Salut


    Is God calling you to full-time ministry? With The Salvation Army, there's more than one way to answer. Some choose full-time officership through the College for Officer Training, with dynamic training that is experiential, field-based and transformative. Others opt for our Ministry Placement Program, a one-year paid, practical ministry experience that sparks spiritual growth and provides insight into full-time vocational ministry within The Salvation Army. And some became an envoy or auxiliary-lieutenant, with service and ministry that sometimes lead to officership and always provide a rich opportunity to serve God by helping others. What path is right for you? Explore your call by reading more below.

    Considering CFOT for Next Year?

    The following courses are required:

    1. MIN140 Introduction to Officership
    2. ENG100 University Writing (only for Accepted Candidates)
      • Before commencing a course (MIN140 or ENG100), please complete the six modules of Academic Integrity Tutorial.
      • A link will be provided by your Divisional Candidates Secretary when approval has been granted for you to enroll in these (MIN140 or ENG100) courses.
    3. Harvard ManageMentor
    4. Learning Pathways
    Please connect with your Divisional Candidates Secretary for more information.
    Any individual registering for these courses must be a Candidates Connect member.

    What Now?

    1.  Learn more by connecting with us here.
    2.  Join Candidates Connect to further explore your call here.
    3.  Read more about full-time ministry: download the brochure here.
    4.  Watch this video to hear from officers about their calling here.
    5.  Check our events page here.