Resources at Your Fingertips
Welcome to the Corps Health page! Corps Health means many different things to many different congregations. For some corps it means exploring a new area of ministry, for others it means reexamining all of congregational life in order to intentionally step into a preferable future. In general it should result in spiritual renewal and a new engagement in mission to the surrounding community and the world.
Please see below resources to help your ministry with Corps Health opportunities.
Reclaiming Glory Book Review
Book review by Everett Barrow.
"Reclaiming Glory, revitalizing dying churches" by Mark Clifton opens the conversation about breathing life into dying churches! The focus of the book lingers longer on the concept of re-planting...what does that look like and some of the painful steps to get there. It may involve remembering and repenting, to reclaim glory for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. He touches on diagnosing a dying church, replanting pathways, sharing stories of transformation and suggests 'the only metric that matters'! And the big question: Am I a re-planter?
If you are in a 'dying corps situation', you may to order this book for as a good resource for you and your corps leaders/board.
The Next Wave Book Review
Book Review by Everett Barrow.
After the Covid experience, many churches are tempted to go back to a world that no longer exist. This is an opportunity to reset, reformate, revitalize, renew, rethink or whatever such words that come to mind. Steve Pike in his book "The Next Wave" delivers a very practical framework to look at doing church differently. He talks about rediscovering the church, reimagining discipleship, rethinking team-building, refocusing church habits, and more. This is a good read, a great resource, that will awaken your heart and prepare you for the new wave of the Spirit. (You can find this book on