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    Engaging People in Ethical Awareness, Practice, and Character.

    Ethics Centre Blog

    Are We Living Our Values?

    Results of the 2024 Salvation Army territorial values survey released.
    Opinion & Critical ThoughtMission Vision Values

    Earlier this year, all mission partners of the Canada and Bermuda Territory were invited to participate in the seventh biannual territorial values survey, administered by the Ethics Centre.  Responses help provide a deeper understanding of our culture and how it supports the territorial mission, vision and values. They also reveal the relationship between personal values, values present in the current culture and values that mission partners believe are most important for mission delivery.

    Mary Consoles Eve

    The deliverer is finally on his way.
    Ethics Centre
    When I approach the season of Christmas, I think about a baby: Jesus, the God-With-Us Deliverer that Israel is waiting for. But despite the beauty of sparkling Christmas lights, I can’t forget the poverty, division, racism and war that still weigh down the world. I find myself longing for this Deliverer, too. O come, O come, Immanuel,And

    Come to Light

    Exposing the dark corners of power and sexual abuse in ministry.
    Ethics Centre
    Imagine a well-liked 22-year-old youth pastor of a small congregation in the United States. One night, after a church event, he offers a 17-year-old girl a ride home. He sees something he wants—something that doesn’t and shouldn’t belong to him. And he uses his power to take it. Driving to a dark and secluded area, he tells her