It is with great delight and thanksgiving that we humbly accept the Best Practice Ministry Unit Award for Pathway of Hope.

We are a small but mighty community ministries team offering this valuable program. The team consists of a team lead, Jennifer Henson, caseworker, Christine Pomfrey and three spiritual care advisors, Diane Unrau, Dennis Unrau and Rob Henson. We believe in a holistic approach that offers ‘wrap around’ services for each participant, every step of the way. Our team wholeheartedly believes in the effectiveness and sustainability of the Pathway of Hope program, and we are all committed to walking alongside participants as they journey through life.

We have been fortunate enough to witness three individuals complete the program in the past year. They each faced monumental challenges. Through Pathway of Hope, these individuals were able to change their mindset from seeing obstacles to seeing opportunities for growth. The transformation we have witnessed has been a gift from God.

 One participant, in particular, has touched all of our hearts. When she came to us, she was only a shell of a person and was completely in ‘survival mode’. With hard work, time, and care, she was able to make unbelievable changes. The award money has allowed us to truly celebrate this individual and her accomplishments with a graduation event designed by her. It was empowering and beautiful. We will continue to use the funds in this way, honoring the graduate and celebrating all they have done.

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