Saturday, April 6 was the first Sally Ann Spring Brunch in Edmonton, which featured a gift basket silent auction, candy bar, a live painting by local artist Lewis Lavoie, and an art auction. This is a new fundraiser for The Salvation Army’s Community Services, and thanks to all our guests and supporters, we raised over $20,000.

One of the programs that will benefit from this fundraiser is Pathway of Hope. This program helps vulnerable families end inter-generational poverty and cycles of crisis by setting goals, helping them realize their full potential, and finding practical solutions to help navigate their family to a better future. The Salvation Army walks beside them as they go through the program, and is there for them every step of the way.

“The Pathway of Hope program helps people plan for their future and end the cycles that can keep them vulnerable,” said Christina Clapham, as she introduced a recent graduate, Rahaid, to the audience. “The Salvation Army is there to walk beside them as they find their way.”

Rahaid and her children moved to Canada from United Arab Emirates, and she described the struggles she had as she adjusted to life here on her own, as her family stayed behind. She didn’t know anyone, didn’t know how to ask for help, and found herself overwhelmed and “stressed out”. She says The Salvation Army supported her with the tools she needed as she progressed through the program.

And a marvelous end to the day, after Rahaid spoke about her experiences with the Pathway of Hope program, a guest at the event came to talk to her about opening some doors for employment in the medical field she was originally trained in before moving to Canada.

Thank you to all who supported this event by attending, volunteering, or donating. Your efforts helped make a difference by Giving Hope Today.

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