I share with you the following appointment information that affects the Canada and Bermuda Territory, effective September 1, 2023:

COMMISSIONERS LEE AND DEBBIE GRAVES, officers of the Canada and Bermuda Territory currently serving respectively as International Secretary for Business Administration and IHQ Chaplain/City of London Liaison Officer, International Headquarters, are appointed as Territorial Commander and Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Canada and Bermuda Territory. They will succeed Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd who have requested they be relieved of their territorial leadership responsibilities in order to focus on maximizing the impact of Commissioner Floyd’s treatment plan. We remain extremely grateful to Commissioners Tidd for the excellent senior leadership they have given to the Lord and the Army over many years. The Salvation Army world continues to uphold them and their family in prayer.

Colonel Evie Diaz
Chief Secretary


On Thursday, June 22, 2023, Fred Veysey said:

Special thoughts and prayers for the Tidd’s! Congratulations on the appointment of the Graves. Well respected officers who have a “heart of compassion” for people. Remember them well as the ministered to my niece…Lieutenant-Colonel Joan Canning. Special words of comfort to the family at the hospital and funeral! Blessings on their ministry as they deal with an ever-changing Army!

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Shayne Stanton said:

I continue to pray for the Tidd’s as they deal with the challenges, I also now pray for the Graves as they return to the Territory and as they assume leadership.

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