Membership Banner

Everyone is welcome to attend a Salvation Army corps (church) and be part of our faith community.  Some people choose to make a more formal level of commitment as an adherent, soldier, or officer of The Salvation Army.

Membership as an adherent, soldier or officer begins with salvation.  The basis of this faith is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

You do not need to be a member of The Salvation Army to attend worship meetings or to receive practical help and support.

Anyone wanting to explore membership in The Salvation Army should speak to their corps officer (pastor).


Friends: "Friends" refers to individuals who support The Salvation Army’s mission and activities but choose not to be soldiers or adherents. Friends may participate in Salvation Army events, volunteer their time, contribute financially, and generally align themselves with The Salvation Army’s values and goals. They form a broader community that extends beyond the formal membership, allowing for a more inclusive involvement of individuals who share the Salvation Army's commitment to serving those in need and are growing in their own discipleship journey within the context of their corps community.

Adherent: A member of The Salvation Army who has not made a commitment to soldiership. Adherents are Christians who consider a local Salvation Army corps to be their church home, and want to support its vitality through their presence and involvement.

Soldier: A person who has made a commitment of faith at least 14 years of age who has, with the approval of the senior pastoral care council, been enrolled as a member of The Salvation Army after signing the Soldier's Covenant.

Officer:  A Salvationist who has been trained, commissioned and ordained to service and leadership, in response to God's call.  An Officer is a recognized minister of religion. 

Junior Soldier: A boy or girl up to the age of 18, who has accepted Jesus as their Saviour and signed the Junior Soldier's Promise. More about Junior Soldiers.

Soldier's Covenant: The statement of beliefs and promises which every intending soldier is required to sign before enrolment. 

Corps: A church, which gathers regularly for the preaching of the gospel, worship, teaching and fellowship and to provide Christian-motivated service to the community.

Adherent Banner

This interactive four-lesson manual was produced by the Canada and Bermuda Territory's Corps Mission department.  It explains the commitments of membership, what belonging to the Salvation Army means and that adherency can be seen as an on-ramp to soldiership.  The manual explains Army history, culture, local mission and ministry, and works as a course for newcomers as well.


Get To Know The Salvation Army

Our History, Mission, Vision and Values

Welcome to The Salvation Army! The Salvation Army has a rich history of delivering help and hope to those in need. We are guided by our mission, vision and values that drive our promise of Giving Hope Today.


Our Culture

The Salvation Army is one of the most recognized non-profits around the world and has a rich history and unique culture of delivering help and hope to those in need. You are now a part of the fabric and culture of The Salvation Army.


Our Programs and Services

The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory is one of the largest non-governmental providers of social services, serving 2.7 million people every year. Our people are the promise of the love of Jesus and our diverse services are the hallmark of help. Thank you for being a part of The Salvation Army.


Mobilized for Mission

This resource is an 11-lesson in-depth study of The Salvation Army doctrine and practices, written by Major Brian Slous.

This senior soldier preparation course contains five lessons on doctrine, three on Christian lifestyle and three on Salvationism.  It is an updated and revised version of Preparing for Battle, which has been widely used and well received, both territorially and internationally. 

The following downloads include English, French, and Spanish versions. Please note the Leaders Notes for French & Spanish are included in the training manual.

To order print copies, please email: Trade North




Exploring Soldiership

This exciting resource was published by our partners in the Australian Territory. Exploring Soldiership is a course that explores what it means to be a soldier within The Salvation Army. It integrates the eleven doctrines, or beliefs that are the foundation of The Salvation Army and the practical lifestyle commitments of the Soldiers Covenant. The course is designed so that it can be run in a one-to-one or small-group context.

This resource is available in English and Chinese:



Battle Ready Soldiership Study (Youth Resource)

Battle Ready is built on the idea that “a Salvation Soldier lives a life marked by a CHRIST–centred, OTHERS–focused faith, in sacred covenant,” and aims to educate and train teens through interactive means, preparing them to make the decision to live as such. By fully participating in the 14 Training Units, weekly Deployment Challenges, and connection with other spiritually mature adults, teens who choose to make the step of Salvation Soldiership should indeed be “BATTLE READY”, having explored the Soldiers Covenant, its Scriptural foundations and practical expression—ready to engage their world as they live in and live out the salvation story today.


Senior Soldiers Day of Renewal

A covenant with God is a very sacred commitment made by a Senior Soldier of The Salvation Army. When a member of The Salvation Army signs their Soldier’s Covenant, they make a number of sacred promises before God and the congregation, committing themselves to live as a fully devoted Christ follower.

While our Territory does no longer sets a specific day each year as a “Senior Soldiers Day of Renewal”, there is great value in giving your soldiers the opportunity to review and renew the covenant they originally made when they became a senior soldier. This kind of focus in a weekend worship service also gives opportunity for others in your congregation to consider soldiership.

The corps mission department has created a simple, updated renewal card which can be used in a variety of ways, and at any time of year. It can be downloaded and printed at the corps on plain paper or on card stock. All corps officers are encouraged to have a Day of Renewal from time to time.