Please see below resources to help your ministry with disability and full participation reasources.

    Disability Inclusion Resources

    Materials and support for creating inclusive environments for people with disabilities.

    • Major Shelley Kerr's Book Recommendations  Download

      Major Shelley Kerr's Book Recommendations 

      Book Recommendations (03/01/2024)

      Updated: 03/01/2024

      My Book Resources




      Brock, Brian Living into the Diversity of Christ’s Body ©2021

      Wondrously Wounded ©2019



      Eiesland, Nancy L. The Disabled God ©1994

      Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability


      Fox, Bethany McKinney Disability, and the Way of Jesus ©2019

      Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church


      Gaventa, William C. Disability & Spirituality ©2018

      Recovering Wholeness


      Hardwick, Lamar Disability and The Church *Also Justice* ©2021

      A Vision for Diversity & Inclusion


      Hardwick, Lamar How Ableism Fuels Racism *Also Justice* ©2024

      Dismantling the Hierarchy of Bodies in the Church


      Reynolds, Thomas E. Vulnerable Communion ©2008

      A Theology of Disability and Hospitality


      Solevag, Anna Rebecca Negotiating the Disabled Body ©2018

      (written by a Norwegian Salvationist) Representation of Disability in Early Christian Texts


      Tam, Cynthia Kinship in the Household of God ©2021

      Towards a Practical Theology of Belonging and Spiritual Care of

      People with Profound Autism


      Yong, Amos The Bible, Disability and The Church ©2011

      A New Vision of the People of God




      Kenny, Amy My Body is not a Prayer Request ©2022

      Disability Justice in the Church


      Raffety, Erin From Inclusion to Justice ©2022

      Disability, Ministry, and Congregational Leadership




      Soucie, Michael IN: Difference ©2001

      Milberg, Astra A Little Book about Diversity

      Hingsburger, David


      Children’s Narrative


      Evans, Elrena When I Go to Church, I Belong ©2023

      Finding My Place in God’s Family as a Child with Special Needs


      Practical +


      Badetti, Luca I Believe in You ©2018

      Wisdom from community with persons with disabilities on believing in

      Ourselves and the other


      Bowling, Carolyn S. Ya Got People ©2003

      Wilder, Jeffrey W. Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Deal with Grief,

      Bereavement and Loss


      Carter, Erik W. Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities ©2007

      A Guide for Service Providers, Families & Congregations


      Christensen, Shelly From Longing to Belonging ©2018

      A Practical Guide to Including People with Disabilities and Mental Health

      In Your Faith Community


      Grandin, Temple Visual Thinking ©2022

      The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think In Pictures, Patterns,

      And Abstractions


      Jacques, Michael Can’t Read Can’t Write Here’s My Book ©2018


      MacGregor, Laura Beyond Saints & Superheroes: Supporting Parents ©2023

      Jorgenson, Allen G Raising Children with Disabilities


      Milne, Cara Building Community: Practical Ways to Build Inclusive ©2017

      Communities for People Who Are Vulnerable


      Morstad, David Whole Community: Introducing Communities of Faith ©2018

      To People with Intellectual & Development Disabilities


      Newman, Barbara J Accessible Gospel, Inclusive Worship ©2016


      Puffer, Tamara Forgetting the Former Things: Brain Injury’s Invitation to ©2019

      Vulnerability & Faith



      Schellenberg, Angeline Tell Them It Was Mozart : Linking Poems That Uncover the ©2016

      Ache & Whimsy of Raising Children on The Autism Spectrum


      Van Der Klift, Emma Being Realistic Isn’t Realistic: Collected Essays on Disability, ©2019

      Kunc, Norman Identify, Inclusion and Innovation




      Inclusion Handbook Everybody Belongs, Everybody Serves ©2013

      2nd Edition A Resource for Disability Advocates


      Updated Above Book Everybody Belongs, Everybody Serves ©2021

      Inclusive Church Ministry with People with Disabilities


      Inclusive Design Our Doors Are Open: Guide for Accessible Congregations ©2018

      Research Centre 1st Edition

      OCAD University Fully Downloadable Canadian Resource


















    • My Body Is Not A Prayer Request

      An Invitation for Discussion: My Body Is Not A Prayer Request

      Prescence to Participation - The Spirit is Not Disabled

      This three-week discussion using the 2023 Disability Concerns Book of the Year took place in September.   The participants felt the discussion was very meaningful and there was a desire  to continue the discussion and take it further into local settings.  There are plans being made to host another discussion in the New Year.    

    • Beyond Saints and Superheroes  View Resource

      Beyond Saints and Superheroes 

      Podcast: (Season 3, Episode 7) Allen Jorgenson and Laura MacGregor

      Join Amy and Miriam as they talk with Allen Jorgenson and Laura MacGregor about their recent book: "Beyond Saints and Superheroes: Supporting Parents Raising Children with Disabilities - A Practical Guide for Faith Communities." 

      Available with captions on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4-uwXfrG7wU

      Statistics PDF

    • Broadview Webinar Series View Resource

      Broadview Webinar Series

      Prescence to Participation - The Spirit is Not Disabled

      Major Shelley Kerr (Divisional Headquarters, Bermuda) and Major Christine Johnston (Broadview Village) have both been involved in ministry with people with disabilities for a few years. They have both come to recognize that people with disability, who are often seen as those with needs actually have much to offer our faith communities. Throughout the past few years Shelley and Christine both have developed a growing passion to see all people, regardless of their ability, fully engaged in our Corps and other ministry units. In Christine's own life experience, she has discovered that her disabilities may cause some limitations and challenges but they are also a gift of God that allow her to minister effectively and often from a unique standpoint.


    • The Adapted Way View Resource

      The Adapted Way

      Our mission is to equip churches with the tools and resources they need to accommodate students with disabilities in their ministries and programs and to present the gospel to them in a way that is accessible. Our dream for this mission is that behavioral and instructional barriers will no longer stand in the way of students learning about who Jesus is and his love for them. 


    • Disability Inclusion Toolkit View Resource

      Disability Inclusion Toolkit

      These resources are intended to encourage and equip Salvo's to include people with disabilities more effectively and authentically in The Salvation Army mission. Disability inclusion is about creating mission expressions where people with disabilities experience welcome and belonging. Ensuring they have equitable opportunities to engage with mission, discipleship, and leadership within The Salvation Army.

      Courtesies to the Disability Inclusion and Mission Support Dept of the Australian Territory


    • STATEMENT OF POSITION  View Resource


      All people are made in the image of God and are of equal intrinsic value. Thus, The Salvation Army celebrates difference and seeks to treat all people with dignity and respect. Many people around the world experience discrimination due to disabilities. The reality ranges from stigma or negative attitudes to deeply engrained and systemic exclusion. The Salvation Army's response is to go beyond minimum national legal requirements and to make it possible for persons with disabilities to be fully included and to flourish. We know less of who God is and how God appears in the world when people with disabilities are excluded. Inclusion is beneficial for everyone. Diversity within our communities and congregations strengthens us and shapes our mission and ministry. The aim of all Salvationist practice is to ensure that we are a church that makes the embodied gospel accessible for all.


    • The Journey Toward Full Participation Recording Download

      Major Catherine Spiller has made the recording to The Journey Toward Full Participation presentation with subtitles. 


    • Disability Inclusion Checklist Download

      The Disability Inclusion Checklist is here to help your local mission expression reflect on the inclusion of people with disabilities in your context. The checklist can be used by mission leaders or members keen to advocate for greater disability inclusion

      Courtesy of the Australian Territory