A long-awaited meeting at INSPIRE with Salvation Army Major Helen Hastie was important for Gerry Robert.  “Helen needed to know that, for at least one guy whom she opened the Bible to, his life was turned around,” Gerry concludes, “and the seeds she helped plant fell on fertile ground. All that she did was worth it.”

Having faith in God can feel a bit like believing in an imaginary friend. It’s normal to have occasional doubts about our faith. But the best news is that, even if we’ve left behind our faith at some point, God will always welcome us back with open arms. And there’s no IFs, ands or buts about that!

In 2011, when Drew Harper graduated from high school in his rural hometown of Paris, Illinois, he just wanted to “get out.” College appeared to Drew as a shiny object in the distance—the cure to all his teenage angst. But as he studied, Drew began to realize that the Bible was less of a text he needed to master and more of a life he wanted to live. “What I saw in Scripture showed me that God cares deeply for this world,” he says. “I began to pay more attention to my physical environment.” That blossomed into his desire to build and beautify what he calls “place”—where we spend our time and live our lives. The goal of Drew’s work remains unchanged: to help people live happier, healthier lives.