My daughter, Rossana, her children, Josie and Harrison, and I attend church every week.

One Sunday morning, seven-year-old Josie and six-year-old Harrison were intently focusing on the family laptop while I was cooking bacon and eggs.

“Grandpa,” Josie said without taking her eyes off the screen, “how do you talk to God?”

Wow! What a question to ask a grandfather while he is preparing breakfast.

One Question, Many Answers

I placed my grandchildren’s plates on the table and tried to answer her question.

“There are several different ways to talk to God,” I said. “Pray to Him and tell Him what you want. But always add, ‘If it be Thy will.’ ”

Then a thought occurred to me.

“What do you think is more important—talking to God and asking Him for something, or listening to what He wants to say to you?”

Josie didn’t hesitate. “Listening to what God has to say.” Harrison’s head bobbed up and down in agreement.

“OK,” I continued. “That’s right. There are different ways to talk to God. Let’s say you need a job so you can earn some money to buy your mother a Christmas present. You pray to God for it. A couple of days later, somebody comes to you and says he needs some help in his store.

“Maybe you don’t realize it, but that is God’s way of answering your prayer.”

Josie’s eyes were ecstatic. “You mean, God answers my prayer through other people?”

“Sometimes. God answers prayer in different ways. But He always responds when you pray from the heart.”

They quickly finished their breakfast and then headed for the door.

“Where are you kids going?” I asked. “You don’t want to be late for Sunday school.”

“Don’t worry, Grandpa,” said Josie, with Harrison following her. “We’re going to talk to God.”

And they did.

Playing With God

The children went into the backyard while the autumn leaves were blowing around them. When they returned five minutes later, Harrison’s eyes were shining.

“Grandpa,” he told me excitedly, “God listened to us. Josie and I talked to Him and He changed the colours of the sky. It was so neat!

“And Josie asked Him to send a squirrel to us. He didn’t send a squirrel exactly, but one of our cats came running up. And then the sun moved.”

Josie said importantly, “I asked Him for a miracle. To show He was really listening. And He was, Grandpa. He really does listen.”

That was too much for this former sinner who is now a believer. I told them that was wonderful. They donned their coats and we headed off to church.

As we walked down the sidewalk, burnt golden leaves swirled around us.

The leaves were dancing in merry circles. Harrison smiled and grabbed a handful of leaves.

“God is playing with you,” I said.

Harrison looked upward and said, “Thank You, God.” 

Photo: john/

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