Adam Walker has lived a life of hardship, trauma and addiction. His story is the type that doesn’t always have a happy ending. However, Adam was determined to be one of the lucky ones when he entered the doors of The Salvation Army’s Addiction and Residential Centre (ARC) in Edmonton and began his first step to healing.

Enough Is Enough

After a previous struggle with drugs that resulted in five years in prison for drug trafficking, Adam had abstained from drug use for more than a decade. However, he was thrown two curveballs in quick succession in 2018 when his father passed away and his 13-year marriage ended. These two traumatic events left Adam feeling angry and alone, which led to a relapse.

“That was too much for me to handle,” Adam says about the loss of two people who had been significant to him. “I’ve had a lot of traumas in my life.”

Adam’s new life was an erratic one surrounded with people who would only take him further down a self-destructive path. He moved from Lloydminster, Alta., to Edmonton to British Columbia within a few months. Unfortunately, each move introduced a new type of dysfunction.

Eventually, Adam said enough is enough and made the life-changing decision to get healthy again. He moved back to Edmonton and entered The Salvation Army’s ARC program.

Growing in a Good Way

In June 2020, Adam arrived at ARC, where he lived in transitional housing and participated in the Pathway of Hope program, which provides intensive case management to individuals and families who desire increased stability and hope. He was 30 days substance-free and determined to turn his life around.

“Our first conversation invited Adam to focus on his own needs, his own journey, his own story and his own recovery,” explains John Luth, who has been the chaplain at ARC for the past six years.

John met Adam when he first arrived at the facility and has since continued to support him through his recovery.

“It’s the most beautiful thing ever to see someone’s life grow in a good way, and we trust God is all over that and really at work,” he says.

Along with Pathway of Hope, the transitional housing programs at Grace Village and near the city’s centre help residents such as Adam plan and provide them with the necessary tools to achieve their goals.

One of the tools that helped Adam succeed in his recovery is talking about his experiences. From his daily conversations with John to a simple interaction with the staff at ARC, Adam was always willing to share his story. Today, he has support from his psychologist, friends and roommates.

“I knew having people to talk to would be a big thing,” Adam says. “There were a lot of people that I tried to help, and I still do that now.”

Adam’s experience has made him more empathetic to people on the streets. He used to be the type to pass by anyone experiencing homelessness, but now, he asks himself what led them to their current situation. He is connecting his experience at ARC to his everyday life.

“If I’m out on the streets and I see someone who is homeless, I’ll stop and talk to them,” he says.

Life After ARC

Adam is currently dealing with health issues. Years of drug misuse have caught up to him and have taken a toll on his body. He continues to deal with different prognoses and is learning how to live with them.

“I still have a lot of work to do, and I get that,” Adam says. “I can still call John whenever I need to, and that’s a good thing for me.”

Today, Adam is 52 months sober and lives on his own. He continues his efforts to repair the relationships his addiction broke and takes each day as it comes.

“I think life will continue to open up for him in a good way,” John says. “The more days he lives sober, the more he reaches out to people. I think things will continue to move in a good way for him.”

Last year, Adam was invited to the grand opening of Grace Village to speak about his success story. The event included speakers from around the territory, and media outlets were eager to speak to Adam after hearing his story. His success is a testament to the care The Salvation Army provides to everyone who walks into the building.

“For me, The Salvation Army saved my life, and I will do anything I can to help return that favour,” Adam says.

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