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Foundational Leadership Certification

What is The Salvation Army's Foundational Leadership Certification (FLC) Program?

The Foundational Leadership Certification Program is a comprehensive leadership training program delivered in collaboration with Harvard ManageMentor®. It is designed to equip Salvation Army officers, employees and volunteers with essential skills necessary to lead effectively.

What topics are covered in the program?

The program covers a wide range of topics including leadership principles, communication, conflict resolution, diversity, inclusion and belonging, delivering effective feedback, and much more. The courses are developed by Harvard ManageMentor®

How long does it take to complete the program?

The program is self-paced, so the length of time it takes to complete depends on the individual. Many participants complete the program within 6-18 months, but you have up to 3 years.

Note: Some FLC special cohorts have different timelines. For example, FLC for Corps Stores runs on an 18-month timeline, while FLC for Pathway of Hope is condensed to only 3 months.

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

The program is open to all people leaders in The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda who have their supervisor’s approval to participate. This includes officers, employees, and volunteers. Volunteers registering for this program will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is the cost of the program?

There is no cost to you, or your Ministry Unit. All costs are covered by Leadership Development.

What are the benefits of completing the program?

Completing FLC provides participants with essential leadership skills that are applicable in a wide range of contexts. In your courses, you will learn from the experts at Harvard ManageMentor®. In the Leadership Cafés you will learn from experienced leaders across the territory. At these cafés you will meet new people and have meaningful discussions about leadership. There are also opportunities to tie your learning into your performance goals through self-created On-The-Job Action plans.

After you have completed FLC, you will be eligible to apply to the Advanced Leadership Certification program.

In addition, participants who complete the program receive a digital credential.

What is a digital credential?

A digital credential is a secure, verifiable, and shareable proof of accomplishment or skill. Participants who complete FLC will earn a digital credential that is recognized by The Salvation Army and can be shared on social media platforms, online resumes, and email signatures and will be added to your personnel file. It can also be shared on social media platforms and email signatures, which can help you stand out by demonstrating your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. 

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Can the program be completed online?

Yes, the program content is delivered entirely online through The Salvation Army's online training platform.

What do I have to do to complete the program?

Participants will complete six Harvard ManageMentor® courses on a variety of topics. These courses are self-directed and can be completed in any order.

Participants will also attend at least three 90-minute, online, Leadership Cafés hosted by Leadership Development. Each café you attend will be on a different topic connected to your coursework. You can sign up for these cafés in advance and complete the associated course before attending the café. For example, before attending the café on Leading People, you will have completed the Leading People course in Harvard ManageMentor® by completing the lessons, the assessment, and starting an On-The-Job Action Plan.

Participants will attend at least three cafés in total, including two required cafés on the topics of Leading People and Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. The third café you attend will be on a topic of your choosing. Café dates, times and registration forms will be available following the program orientation.

Note: Café requirements for special cohorts (e.g. FLC for Mission) may differ. Refer to your cohort leader for details.

What is a Leadership Café?

A Leadership Café is an online 90-minute facilitated session that encourages the development of coalitions with other leaders across the territory. These sessions provide a safe space for participants to share their experiences and insights, ask questions, and learn from each other.

How do I enroll in the program?

New cohorts of this program begin three times per year during the following seasons: winter, spring, and fall. Access to registration forms for these cohorts will be shared widely through emails to cascading down from DHQ, through posts on MyArmy, and through the Leadership Development website.

Officers and employees can also sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming registrations directly from Leadership Development by filling out this LD Program Interest Form. Volunteers can request more information by contacting

For more information, please visit Harvard Mentor Leadership Certification - Salvation Army Canada ( or contact

Advanced Leadership Certification

What is The Salvation Army's Advanced Leadership Certification Program?

The Advanced Leadership Certification Program (ALC) is an online leadership training program offered in partnership with Harvard ManageMentor®. It is designed to equip officers and employees in The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda with advanced leadership skills necessary to lead teams effectively in today's complex environment.

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

The program is open to all Salvation Army officers, employees and volunteers who meet the following criteria:

  • Completed the Foundational Leadership Certification
  • Supervisor's approval to take ALC
  • Full-time with The Salvation Army for at least 2 years
    • Volunteers applying for ALC who are not in full-time positions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How long does it take to complete the program?

The program takes between 1-3 years to complete. It consists of 10 courses and three leadership cafés, which are online 90-minute facilitated sessions that encourage the development of coalitions with other leaders across the territory. Participants will also complete one On-The-Job action Plan, which takes 2-4 months and can be integrated into their PEAC.

What topics are covered in the program?

The program covers a range of advanced leadership topics, including leading change, strategic thinking, attracting and cultivating talent, crisis management, and more.

What is a Leadership Café?

A Leadership Café is an online 90-minute facilitated session that encourages the development of coalitions with other leaders across the territory. These sessions provide a safe space for participants to share their experiences and insights, ask questions, and learn from each other.

What are the benefits of completing the program?

Completing ALC provides participants with essential leadership skills that are applicable in a wide range of contexts. In your courses, you will learn from the experts at Harvard ManageMentor®. In the Leadership Cafés you will learn from experienced leaders across the territory. At these cafés you will meet new people and have meaningful discussions about leadership. There are also opportunities to tie your learning into your performance goals through self-created On-The-Job Action plans.

In addition, participants who complete the program receive a digital credential. This digital credential, which comes to you in the form of a digital badge, is verified by The Salvation Army and provides details about the program criteria and skills developed. This credential will be added to your personnel file. It can also be shared on social media platforms and email signatures, which can help you stand out and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and professional development

What is a digital credential?

A digital credential is a secure, verifiable, and shareable proof of accomplishment or skill. Participants who complete the ALC program will earn a digital credential that is recognized by The Salvation Army and can be shared on social media platforms, online resumes, and email signatures.

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What is the cost of the program?

There is no cost to you, or your Ministry Unit. All costs are covered by Leadership Development.

How do I enroll in the program?

To enroll in the program, you must have been employed with TSA for at least 2 years full time and have completed The Salvation Army's Foundational Leadership Certification Program. New cohorts of this program begin three times per year during the following seasons: winter, spring, and fall. All FLC graduates will be contacted about upcoming ALC cohorts.

Officers and employees can also sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming registrations directly from Leadership Development by filling out this LD Program Interest Form. Volunteers can request more information by contacting

For more information, please visit Advanced Leadership Certification - Salvation Army Canada (

ExceleratorTM Essentials Coaching Program

What is the ExceleratorTM Essentials Coaching Program?

The ExceleratorTM Essentials Coaching Program (EE) is a coaching program offered through The Salvation Army's Leadership Development department and delivered by Essential Impact. This program teaches non-directive coaching skills that will change how you listen, respond, and empower your team.

What is non-directive coaching?

Non-directive coaching is a facilitative coaching approach in which the person being coached is the expert and sets the agenda. Using carefully crafted questions derived from an inquisitive approach, the coach helps the coachee to approach problems from different angles. The coachee then uses their own expertise to develop solutions and make plans to achieve outcomes. Non-directive coaching is a facilitative, reflective practice that reduces the burden on managers by empowering individual team members.

How is the program delivered?

The program is delivered virtually in cohorts that are offered in the fall and winter. The program consists of seven virtual learning sessions that are offered weekly. Each session is three hours long. Participants will practice their skills in 90-minute, small group coaching sessions. Participants will be grouped together with people they have no close relationships with. This allows participants to bring forward real-life examples and experience coaching first-hand. At each session, participants will have the opportunity to practice being coach, coachee, and observer.

What will participants gain from completing the program?

Successful participants will gain important non-directive coaching skills that are applicable in their professional and personal lives. They will learn how to facilitate conversations that help people to think through their challenges and develop their own solutions. Participants will also earn an ExceleratorTM Essentials digital credential.

What is a digital credential?

A digital credential is a secure, verifiable, and shareable proof of accomplishment or skill. Participants who complete the ALC program will earn a digital credential that is recognized by The Salvation Army and can be shared on social media platforms, online resumes, and email signatures.

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What is the cost of the program?

There is no cost to you, or your Ministry Unit. All costs are covered by Leadership Development.

Who should consider enrolling in the program?

The program is ideal for people leaders who want to develop their coaching skills and learn how to facilitate conversations that help people to think through their challenges and develop their own solutions. It is particularly relevant for leaders, managers, and supervisors who want to improve their ability to support and empower their teams.

How do I apply for this program?

To apply for the program, you must have completed The Salvation Army's Foundational Leadership Certification Program. New cohorts of this program begin in September and January, with application periods in the summer and fall, respectively.

Access to application forms will be shared widely through emails to cascading down from DHQ, through posts on MyArmy, and through the Leadership Development website.

Officers and employees can also sign up to receive email notifications about upcoming registrations directly from Leadership Development by filling out this LD Program Interest Form.

 For more information, please visit Essential Impact Coaching - Salvation Army Canada (