The power of words! You can easily customize this delightful DIY project for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions.

Supplies Needed: Thrifted coaster or corkboard, Scrabble letters, Krazy Glue, Gorilla Glue or other super-glue adhesive.

Step 1 The base for your DIY coasters could be a set of second-hand coasters from your local Salvation Army thrift store, or you can use scrap pieces from previous upcycling projects, such as corkboard or wood. Next, you’ll want to find Scrabble letters to add to the thrifted coasters.

Step 2 Clean the top of your coasters and set up the Scrabble letters in the order you want them to be on the coasters.

Step 3 Use super glue to adhere your Scrabble letters to the coaster. You can add the glue to your Scrabble piece or onto your coaster.

Step 4 After your first row, add the next four rows a row at a time. Be careful not to glue yourself—super glue works fast! Allow to dry.

And that’s it! Your only limit to this upcycling project is the letters you have on hand—and your imagination.

Denise Corcoran (aka Thrifty By Design) is an author, upcycler, community builder and workshop facilitator based in North Vancouver. She shares her enthusiasm for crafting and upcycling by facilitating “Crafternoons” throughout Vancouver. She is also a creative expert for The Salvation Army’s thrift stores. Find a thrift store near you at 

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