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Link2Feed Logo

Link2Feed is an approved Client Management System for tracking client services and group programs to serve people in the community.

The program itself is user friendly and  is currently being used by 3336 organizations in Canada, United States and very recently in the United Kingdom (Feeding Britain- 14 different areas).  Here in Canada, L2F is the Provincial Food Bank software for Ontario and Nova Scotia, and will probably be endorsed by more Prov. Associations in the years ahead.


  • Opportunity for Territory (and Division) to have consistent and accurate data.
  • MU’s appointments will be less about numbers and more about ministry, as there is more time to talk and minister
  • User friendly software that will improve client intake and management
  • Pathway of Hope can be integrated into program
  • Variety of customizable real-time reports, including a survey function
  • National Hunger Count report completed at click of mouse
  • 24-hour unlimited technical support for every ministry unit
  • Ontario Assoc. of Food Banks and Feed Nova Scotia use L2F as their Provincial program
  • Meets Canadian criteria as developed in Sarnia, ON and hosted in Vancouver. BC
  • Monthly fees are less than $1 a day per MU, once Territory is all onboard.


  • Holistic ministry can be a priority (Integrated Ministry)
  • Community connections can be better identified
  • Spiritual care can be a priority and measured with intake/ case management
  • Social Justice issues will be better identified through case management
  • Can provide an opportunity to identify clients for programs available in Corps
  • Will help build stronger relationships with people (and community) and assist in connecting people to Corps
  • Inventory system available

Testimonials from Current Users:


For any inquiries, please contact us at