Salvation Army shield logo beside 'Community Services' in bold text.

Link2 Feed Christmas Assistance

Description: This training offers a basic introduction to the Christmas program. Workers will learn how to enter data, set appointments, and complete all necessary steps for the program. It will help workers feel more comfortable and prepared to manage Christmas assistance when the program begins.

Time: 11:00 am - 12:00pm  EST



Tuesday, October 8  Register Thursday, November 7  Register
Thursday, October 10  -  Register Tuesday, November 12  -  Register
Thursday, October 17  -  Register Thursday, November 21  -  Register
Tuesday, October 22  Register Thursday, November 28  -  Register
Thursday, October 24  Register

Link2Feed Intake Basics

Description: This training provides workers with the basics of link2Feed, including how to create new clients records, access existing ones, enter common intake questions, and record program-related assistance, it will help workers gain a solid understanding of the intake process in Link2Feed.

Tuesday, October 10  (11:00 am EST)  -  Register 

Thursday, November 5  (1:00 pm EST)  -  Register

Tuesday, November 14  (11:00 am EST)  -  Register 

Thursday, November 19  (1:00 pm EST)  -  Register

Link2Feed Client Online Registration

Description: This training guides MU’s on how clients can use the online registration portal to create their own profiles, book appointments, and register for assistance programs. It also covers the steps MU needs to take to prepare and launch the portal, as well as how to pull appointment lists so they can be ready when clients come for assistance. 

Thursday, October 17  (1:00 pm EST)  Register

Tuesday, October 22  (11:00 am EST)  -  Register

Link2Feed Reports

Description: This training covers the basics on using reports, including how MU's can pull data on the assistance provided, create new reports, run and view them, and save the reports for future use.

Tuesday, November 12  (11:00 am EST)  -  Register 

Thursday, November 28  (1:00 pm EST)  -  Register


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