The participant process for Pathway of Hope has been broken down into five steps: Common Intake, Selection, Assessment Tools, Care Management, Transition, and Follow-up. Each of the steps has tools designed to guide the process.



  • Building relationship and rapport – focusing on the person.
  • Collecting basic demographic information and other present state information.
  • Discussing confidentiality and consent.

  • Focusing on suitability for Pathway of Hope.
  • Looking to assess change readiness.
  • Making a mutual commitment to the process.

  • Engaging in deeper conversations – moving beyond intake (comprehensive process).
  • Gathering the information needed for effective goal setting.
  • Using tools that support program evaluation and outcomes measurement.

  • Developing a goal plan and identifying the action steps needed to be successful.
  • Accomplishing the action steps to achieve the goal plan. Engaging community partners and providing referrals.
  • Bringing specificity, measurability, and accountability to the process.

  • Ending the process well.
  • Recognizing that moving forward may come with new challenges.
  • Focusing on strengths and planning for the future.
  • Providing ongoing support and connection – upholding the relationship.
  • Offering new opportunities for involvement with The Salvation Army.
  • Being there if things don’t go according to plan.

A New Dawn for Terry-Lynn with Pathway of Hope

A New Dawn for Terry-Lynn
POH Success Story

Discover how Terry-Lynn transformed her life with the support of The Salvation Army's Pathway of Hope program. From overcoming significant challenges to finding hope and purpose, her journey exemplifies the power of resilience and compassionate support. Read this inspiring story of personal transformation and renewal.

Finding Hope: Lorren’s Inspiring Story

POH Success Story
My name is Lorren, and I am a 28-year-old single mother to three amazing little boys. My journey has been filled with challenges and triumphs, each shaping the person I am today. As a teenager, I struggled significantly, eventually dropping out of high school and running away from home. These years were marked by a battle with addiction that

Hope Amidst Hardship: My Pathway of Hope Experience

Halifax Centre of Hope, Atlantic
POH Success Story
  The Turning Point When I arrived at The Salvation Army, I was overwhelmed, alone, and scared, struggling with severe depression. At 50, life took a significant downturn—I lost everything I held dear. Despite past trials, including escaping abuse as a teenager and overcoming hardships through education and work, I was rebuilding my

Empowered by Hope

Oakville Community Church, Ontario
POH Success Story
Eva’s* story is an inspiring example of resilience and determination, reminding us that every journey starts with a glimmer of hope and the promise of a brighter future. It also speaks to the importance of initiatives like the Pathway of Hope (POH) offered by The[CD1]  Salvation Army, which provides unwavering support and guidance to


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