Since its founding, The Salvation Army has served as a bridge within communities, providing care, hope, and belonging. Pathway of Hope supports the mission of The Salvation Army through the intentional integration of spiritual and religious care with casework services. The local team of officers, employees, volunteers, and corps members surround participants to collaboratively focus on the action plan created for each participant.

"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present"
- Catherine Booth

The Canada and Bermuda Territory’s vision for Pathway of Hope is to create a philosophical and cultural shift in our practice of providing service and support. Pathway of Hope fulfills an organizational desire to move beyond ‘serving’ toward approaches that focus on ‘solving’ and transformational change.

In addition, social sector funding is increasingly focused on results and evidence-based outcomes. The Salvation Army aims to be a high-impact organization and we must commit to evaluating the effectiveness of our work. Through the Pathway of Hope approach The Salvation Army can speak to the effectiveness of its community supports in a way that is data-supported.

Hope Amidst Hardship: My Pathway of Hope Experience

Halifax Centre of Hope, Atlantic

Integrated MissionPOH Success Story
  The Turning Point When I arrived at The Salvation Army, I was overwhelmed, alone, and scared, struggling with severe depression. At 50, life took a significant downturn—I lost everything I held dear. Despite past trials, including escaping abuse as a teenager and overcoming hardships through education and work, I was rebuilding my

Empowered by Hope

Oakville Community Church, Ontario

Integrated MissionPOH Success Story
Eva’s* story is an inspiring example of resilience and determination, reminding us that every journey starts with a glimmer of hope and the promise of a brighter future. It also speaks to the importance of initiatives like the Pathway of Hope (POH) offered by The[CD1]  Salvation Army, which provides unwavering support and guidance to


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