Integrated Mission

Large Scale Projects (LFIF)

A new round of funding for the Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) from the federal government has opened this week.  As announced in the Federal 2024 Budget, the government has committed an additional $19.2 million over two years to support large-scale projects. The fund is designed to support projects that will “help improve community

2024 Standards of Excellence Grant

Food Banks Canada has launched the 2024 Standards of Excellence Grant - Round 3 to support food banks in meeting the National Standards of Excellence by March 2025. This grant is open to food banks and provincial associations affiliated with Food Banks Canada. Eligible expenses include technology, equipment, and consulting services. Applications

School Food Infrastructure Fund (SFIF)

The School Food Infrastructure Fund (SFIF) is now accepting applications from not-for-profit organizations to improve school food programming infrastructure across Canada. With funding up to $8 million per project, the SFIF aims to support the purchase of equipment and infrastructure that will strengthen community-based food systems, ensuring

Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF)

The Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) is offering grants of $25,000 to $100,000 to support community projects enhancing food security. Eligible initiatives include food production infrastructure like community gardens, greenhouses, and food storage solutions. Applications are open from October 1 to October 31, 2024. This funding focuses on

Finding Hope: Lorren’s Inspiring Story

My name is Lorren, and I am a 28-year-old single mother to three amazing little boys. My journey has been filled with challenges and triumphs, each shaping the person I am today. As a teenager, I struggled significantly, eventually dropping out of high school and running away from home. These years were marked by a battle with addiction that

Empowered by Hope

Oakville Community Church, Ontario
Eva’s* story is an inspiring example of resilience and determination, reminding us that every journey starts with a glimmer of hope and the promise of a brighter future. It also speaks to the importance of initiatives like the Pathway of Hope (POH) offered by The[CD1]  Salvation Army, which provides unwavering support and guidance to

Capital Grant (OTF)

Improve community facilities and spaces. Capital grants provide funding over one year to help organizations respond to the capital needs of Ontario’s communities.