For this month's Book Review, we are excited to share Major Everett Barrow's (Corps Health Director) review of Steve Pike's book, "The Next Wave."  Read his review below!

Book cover of

After the Covid-19 experience, many churches are tempted to return to a world that no longer exists. However, this moment presents an opportunity to reset, reform, revitalize, renew, rethink, or embrace similar transformative actions. Steve Pike's book "The Next Wave" offers a practical framework to look at doing church differently. Pike discusses rediscovering the essence of the church, reimagining discipleship, rethinking team-building, refocusing church habits, and more. It's a compelling read and a valuable resource that will awaken your heart and prepare you for the new wave of the Spirit.

You can purchase the book by clicking here or here.

Do you have a book that inspired you and brought new insights and ideas to your ministry? Would you be interested in sharing a short review with your colleagues? If so, we would love to hear from you! Please email with your book and our team will be in touch.