For this month's Book Review, we welcome Lt. Col. Fred Waters with his review of N.T. Wright's book, "God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath." Read his review below! 

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Any time I see a book with N.T. Wright’s name on it I am interested. He is insightful, scholarly and an excellent communicator. This book from 2020 does not disappoint. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, writes, “This is classic N.T. Wright, it is accessible to anyone asking questions, and yet it manages to be demanding for those who think they know the answers.”

This publication came about by a series of articles that Wright was asked to author during the pandemic. While the pandemic seems to be diminishing in the rearview mirror the book is not losing any relevance. Don’t let the title fool you. Wright masterfully addresses the difficult days for people and tracks the history of suffering for God’s people. He does not provide irrelevant salve for our wounds but rather points us to the ever-present God of Hope who, while accomplishing His mission, has not forgotten His people.

Wright encourages us to move away from blame finding to grace knowing. God is alive and well and working in our world to accomplish His will.

Lt. Col. Fred Waters