Survivor Services and Recovery – What Happens Once A Victim Comes Out of a Human Trafficking Situation? April 19, 2022
Key Points:
Every survivor’s MSHT experience is uniquely shaped by their personal history, identity, context, culture, and community. Remember, no one person is alike and responses to traumatic events will vary and so will their needs.
We need to stand with survivors demonstrating cultural humility while using a strength based approach that honors and upholds their agency and self – determination.
The survivor is the one who must live and deal with the consequences of an incident and subsequent actions taken to respond to the act therefore they are the one who must decide what action.
When working with survivors you must be holistic in your approach and seek to help the survivor achieve a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and spiritual needs.
Recovery is not a linear process; it is important to have regular reviews and check-ins with survivors about their situation.