International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking 2024
The Salvation Army is deeply committed to fighting and responding to modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT). We have a theological and historical mandate. We believe prayer is foundational and an essential, powerful tool to fight for freedom and work towards a world free from exploitation.
We would like to invite all Salvation Army ministry units in Canada and Bermuda to give attention to Sunday 22 September 2024 as the International Day of Prayer for Victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
This year’s theme is ‘Let My People Go’, inspired by Exodus 5:1 NIV: ‘Afterwards Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said ‘This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go…’”
To help plan your personal or Corps participation in the International Day of Prayer, you can find resources linked below, such as posters, adult bible study and preaching guides, children and young person’s discussion lessons, a prayer station guide, and global prayer examples.
Resources will be available shortly in French and Spanish.
In addition, the International Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Council is excited to present Global Weeklong 24/7 Prayer Campaign - a week of continuous prayer in the week leading up to this day from 15-22 September. Everyone, Salvation Army Officers, employees, partners and friends are welcome to sign up to pray for 30 minutes between the 15-22 of September. For more information, campaign instructions and to sign up, please click here: salvationist.ca/MSHT_IDOP2024_PrayerCampaignInstructions
Thank you for considering praying and standing in solidarity with people with lived experience and being an ally. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ray Lamont, the Territorial MSHT Response Coordinator, at ray.lamont@salvationarmy.ca