January is Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT) Awareness Month and the Territorial MSHT Response Committee is launching a Territorial campaign called Stand Up, Step Up, Speak Up! To Make a Difference. Each week from January 11 to January 31, we will be highlighting one aspect of this campaign:
January 11 -17: Stand Up – Know what Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is About
Stand Up is about raising awareness and knowledge about what is modern slavery and human trafficking in Canada and Bermuda. No matter where we live, it is happening all around us. Get to know the facts by visiting the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Territorial webpage as each day we will be releasing statistics, our Spot the Series Posters, our top ten favorite MSHT books for adults and for children, our favorite MSHT videos / documentaries, and the recently released SA Anti-Human Trafficking Devotional.
January 18 – 24: Step Up – Know how to Get Involved
Step Up is about taking the next step. As we are growing in our awareness and knowledge about what is MSHT, we want to share resources and ways that help people get involved in this fight. Through the Freedom Action Framework and the Global Toolbox of MSHT Responses, every day of this week we will explore practical ways for individuals and Ministry Units to get involved and make a difference.
January 25 – 31: Speak Up – Involve Others in the Fight For Freedom
Speak Up is an opportunity to invite others to join us in this Fight For Freedom. Invite family and friends to stand in solidarity against MSHT by participating in the End It Movement by posting a photo on social media “x-ing” it out from January 25-31, 2021. This can be done through a red “x” on your hand or crossing your arms to make an “x”. Post using the hashtags #SAStandUpStepUpSpeakUp , #FightForFreedom, and #JesusandJustice.