Praying With Your Camera

Bible Study

Faith and photography collide in Praying With Your Camera.

Utilize these resources to incorporate photography into personal or corporate prayer or Bible study experiences. Downloadable graphics can be shared on social media platforms while the printable resources can be shared at an in-person gathering. The photo challenge Bible study can also be utilized as an online Women's Ministries program, perfect for times of required distancing or simply women with busy schedules were meeting in person can be a challenge.


Praying with Your Camera Poster PNG Praying with Your Camera Printable Bookmarks (PDF) Praying with your Camera Infographic (PNG) Praying with Your Camera Instagram Posts (PNG/ZIP)
Poster (PNG) Printable Bookmarks (PDF) Infographic
Instagram Posts (PNG/ZIP)


Photo Challenge 

The following photo challenges will help you connect to the heart of God through photography. You can do these challenges on your own or in a group, daily or weekly. Read the Bible verse for inspiration and then prayerfully compose a photo that speaks to the photo challenge. Finally, take time to meditate on both the Bible verse and your photo using the reflection question(s). What does the Holy Spirit want to reveal to you through His word and your photography?  

If you are using this as an online group study, we encourage the leader to post the social post to a pre-determined online platform and use the provided text as the post’s description. You may want to create a Facebook group or other social space dedicated to this photo challenge as a safe place for participants to post their photographs. Allow a space, either through a messaging platform, through video conference, or by gathering in person, to discuss your photographs and discussion questions, similar to a conventional Bible study.

Praying with your camera photo challenge (PDF) Praying with your camera journal (PDF) Photo challenge Social posts (PNG/ZIP)
Photo Challenge (PDF) Journal (PDF)

Photo Challenge
Social Posts (PNG/ZIP)

Barb's Story

Barb's Story: Praying with my Camera

Read about Major Barbara Dalrymple's experience of praying with her camera during the COVID-19 quarantine here.