dark-side-of-leadership-cover-pictureWhen leaders fail, the public always has something to say. The intensity of media comment is invariably ramped up when a Christian leader is involved. Names like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart and Ted Haggard prompt almost immediate comment and opinion. Against this backdrop, Dr. Gary McIntosh and Dr. Samuel Rima have written this insightful book exploring things that commonly trip up leaders and ways of journeying toward healthy spiritual leadership.

In writing about “the dark side,” the authors are referring to the inner state of being that unconsciously drives everyone's actions, especially those urges, compulsions, motivations and dysfunctions that propel us away from success or undermine our achievements. When leaders refuse to take the inward journey to explore and resolve their dark-side issues, the results will often be some form of leadership failure. Part One of the book unpacks the many complex dynamics and paradoxes of these dark-side themes that are relevant for any current or aspiring leader.

In Part Two, using biblical and contemporary leaders as examples, the authors identify five common dysfunctional, dark-side-dominated leadership styles:

• Compulsive—controlling, workaholic, status-conscious
• Narcissistic—self-absorbed, need for admiration
• Paranoid—suspicious, hostile, over-controlling
• Codependent—avoids conflict, reactive rather than proactive
• Passive-Aggressive—stubborn, procrastinates, has fear of succeeding

To our discomfort, most of us will see something of ourselves within these true-to-life descriptions that originate in our human insecurities.

Part Three of the book provides practical suggestions for leaders who want to address their dark-side potential. Again, the authors augment the theoretical with helpful real-life examples of leaders such as Billy Graham, who have taken appropriate honest and challenging steps to protect their leadership and those they serve. The appendices include several self-help tools for those who want to gain an objective sense of their current reality and then move forward.

This is an exceptional book that speaks clearly to any leader, no matter what their skill, age or experience, who truly wants to lead with the mind and heart of Christ.


On Monday, May 20, 2019, Stephen David Parkin said:

EXcellent book learnt so much. Thanks.


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