I am also liberated by this same visit. I can acknowledge all of the pain and struggles but realize that God is still active in their lives. I can see that for believers, hope is not in the material things of this world. Their worldly possessions have been reduced to a few articles. Their passions have been stripped to what they are capable of. God, however, still resonates within those who love him. They have a tender peace and hope for the life to come. These seniors still face the difficulties of pain, loneliness and loss but God offers his strength and hope for heaven.
Engaging the world of seniors can be challenging. The nursing home environment can be strange for many of us. The disturbing sights, smells and sounds can be a deterrent, and it can also be difficult to feel comfortable with our own feelings about aging. Regardless of the challenges, ministry to seniors can bless your life as God transforms uneasy feelings into Godly wisdom. The perspective about life that you gain and the relationships you build are worth every bit of effort.
Cadet Michelle Elsasser is married to Kevin, and they have two children, Janna (6) and Caleb (5). In August 2008, the Elsassers left Calgary, Alberta, to enter The Salvation Army's College for Officer Training in Winnipeg. Cadet Elsasser enjoys reading, hiking, creative arts and watching Heartland, her favourite T.V. show.