'Open our eyes Lord, we want to see Jesus' was the sung prayer as delegates to the International Conference of Leaders assembled on Friday 10 July to consider a full agenda covering some of the most challenging issues facing The Salvation Army today. 'I am the good shepherd' said Jesus (John 10:14) and Commissioners Gillian and Larry Bosh sought to unpack what this means for the Army as we seek to 'serve the present age'.

This was a day for the consideration of a series of detailed papers all of which were designed to enable the conference to focus on The World Today.

Firstly the International Secretary for Business Administration (Commissioner Ann Woodall) provided a succinct report, 'Money - A Global Overview'. The commissioner highlighted some of the 'hard choices raised by the global financial crisis'. She reminded the conference that 'God's money is not immune from the chaos of the market place and we are required to use all our powers of original thought and financial skill to extend his Kingdom and build up his Army around the world'. Commissioner Vinece Chigariro (Zimbabwe) and Commissioner Lawrence R. Moretz (USA Eastern) shared 'The Challenges of Funding My Territory' from very differing economic and cultural perspectives.

Another set of complex challenges were addressed by Commissioner Basuki Kartodarsono and General Shaw Clifton as they reflected on their experience of 'Working and Witnessing in an Islamic Context' – the Commissioner in Indonesia and the General in Pakistan.

Commissioner John Matear and Commissioner Linda Bond presented complementary papers on 'Post-Modernism' – both raising issues which clearly resonated with delegates as reflected in an open forum led by the General at the conclusion of the morning session and later in the day as the Chief of the Staff presided.

Other significant papers were presented, including lively and thought provoking contributions from Commissioner Helen Clifton and Commissioner Hope Mungate on 'Gender'. Commissioner Max Feener and Commissioner Horst Charlet addressed the issues facing 'Modern Youth' as well as the challenge facing the Army in reaching out to them, and Colonel Birgitte Brekke gave a 'Report on the World Youth Convention' to be held in Sweden in 2010.

Following a comprehensive account of 'Ecumenism Today' by Lieut-Colonel Richard Munn there was time for more prayer. Commissioner Andrew Kalai led the conference, once more, to trust in God with the prayer 'Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine', surely the only way to face the challenges of The World Today.


On Monday, July 13, 2009, Henry Armstrong said:

One of the best books to come along to SA stores is.. Will You Choose Joy? by Normajean Honsberger a Reflection on Philippians. This is not a book about how great the SA is The message in this book is a powerful testimony of faith and what it means to have Joy in times of trials. EVERY officer should buy a copy of this book and share with others what God can do in good times and bad. I have given copies to select people who are going through tough times, been there with 4 cancer deaths in our family, but what a difference a day makes walking with Jesus. Push this book in all your publications, talk about it, give it away, great for group study. This book will help people who have no hope in Jesus.. Henry Armstrong

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