"At the Name of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bow" was the song which came from the heart of every delegate at the commencement of the second full day of the International Conference of Leaders and as an introduction to a time of prayer and Bible study led by Commissioners Barry and Raemor Pobjie (International Headquarters). The focus on Jesus, the Light of the World (John 8:12), was appropriate given the theme for the day: Let God's Army Grow!

Before the Chief of the Staff (Commissioner Robin Dunster) led the conference through a comprehensive overview of the present size of the global Army, delegates were stirred and enthused by three presentations highlighting successful strategies and tactics for growing God's Kingdom through The Salvation Army.

General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Dick Krommenhoek (Finland and Estonia Territory – formerly the General's Representative for Global Evangelisation) gave details of the new openings of Army work in seven countries over the past three years*. The stories behind these developments are inspirational and the General paid tribute to "brave officers who are undertaking historic, pioneering work at this time of expansion under God!" He also thanked leaders who had accepted responsibility for the financial aspects of particular new openings.

US National Commander, Commissioner Israel L. Gaither, introduced a video presentation which is being used to spearhead a nationwide campaign to persuade people to "Come, Join Our Army": a strategy determined to reverse 10 years of numerical decline. This level of intention was mirrored by the centenary vision of the Korea Territory, Hope Project 2028, introduced by the territory's leader, Commissioner Chun, Kwang-pyo.

The detailed presentation of global statistics by the Chief of the Staff made for a wide-ranging and lively discussion led by the General which is likely to continue well beyond the conclusion of the conference.

In the afternoon delegates made the short journey to historic Sunbury Court for another first for this 2009 ICL─a presentation of the musical Brengle: My Life's Ambition by a cast and crew from the USA Southern Territory. Written and directed by Lieut-Colonel W. Edward Hobgood, and originally presented at that territory's 2008 Holiness Congress, this special adaptation for the ICL captivated delegates and reminded everyone present of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to enable sanctified lives to bear fruit for the sake of Christ and the growth of his Kingdom. Nothing else could have provided a more fitting end to such an agenda for the day.

* Burundi, Greece, Namibia, Mali, Kuwait, Mongolia and Nepal

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