"God is not going to waste this precious opportunity as his people gather, eagerly but in humility, from every corner of the earth," said General Shaw Clifton as he rose to deliver his keynote address to delegates on the first full day of the International Conference of Leaders. He added: "The eyes of the Army world are upon us." The wide-ranging address was framed in a spirit of accountability and included a very detailed description of progress achieved in keeping promises he had made to the High Council which had elected him as General of The Salvation Army in 2006.

A key commitment had been to address issues of social justice. The General reported on the substantial progress made, including the creation of the International Social Justice Commission based in New York and with representatives working in Geneva, Vienna, Jakarta and Nairobi, all under the direction of Commissioner Christine MacMillan.

With social justice established as the theme for the day the conference was challenged and moved as Commissioner MacMillan spoke of the work of the commission and Commissioner Helen Clifton (World President of Women's Ministries) highlighted the diversity of approaches around the Army world in responding to human trafficking. The thought-provoking presentations were followed by a stimulating open forum discussion chaired by the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Robin Dunster, with the General responding.

The day's plenary sessions began and ended by setting a standard for the conference: in prayer and the study of God's Word. In the morning Commissioners Wim and Netty van der Harst (Eastern Europe Territory) focused delegates' attention on Jesus, the Bread of Life. In Evening Prayers Commissioners M. Y. Emmanuel and T. Regina Chandra Bai (India Central Territory) led delegates to pray that Christ would open their eyes wide to see his will and purposes.

With a whole day at the disposal of conference, time for personal and private reflection was possible for every delegate as they enjoyed the privilege of a Covenanted Silent Hour and the day ended with small groups beginning an exploration of Hebrews 13: An Authentic Lifestyle.

The General had encouraged delegates with the knowledge that many people were in prayer for the conference and said that "Salvationists are waiting to hear from us." If the spirit of this day's events was typical then those waiting for news would be reassured.

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