camp-sunrise-019When we invite children to attend Salvation Army camps, we hope that they will have fun and learn about God's love. What many of us don't realize is how meaningful the experience is to camp staff as well. spoke with some Salvation Army youth workers about the impact of this ministry.

A Summer Blessing
“At camp I know I am blessing others but am always surprised to find that I, too, am receiving a huge blessing. Camp has taught me a lot of things about God, the importance of daily prayer and Bible study, community, teamwork and youth ministry.” —Megan Smith

“My favourite part of camp is watching the staff grow spiritually from their ministry to the campers.” —Sarah Hoeft

“It is a place where I feel both the calm reassurance of God's presence and an electric sense of anticipation for what he will do in the lives of those present—both campers and staff.” —Heidi Adams

“The best part about working at camp is the kids. I have a real passion for teaching and being taught by them. I get to be a Christian role model for them—perhaps the only Christian influence that they will receive in their childhood. Another great thing about camp is that it's a God-filled environment. My co-workers are fellow believers and there is a real sense of community.” —Laura Beadle

Why Camp?
“Camp is important to me because that's where I had my first experience with Jesus. My life has been drastically impacted by camp ministries and I have also seen this impact in friends, family and children.” —Leon Bosse

“I grow closer with God each summer. He uses me as a witness and influence, while at the same time teaching me a new lesson or two. Each summer I realize a couple more of my weaknesses and how to rely on God to strengthen those areas.” —Laura Beadle

“Camp is a place where people gain a renewed interest in sustaining and preserving the natural world around us; where people are confronted by God in real, tangible, undeniable ways; where campers consider who they can be rather than dwelling on the limiting circumstances of where they come from or what they've done; where people experience tremendous growth and are stretched to do things they never thought possible.” —Heidi Adams

Keep on Camping
“People need the Lord. Salvation Army camps, with the help of the Holy Spirit, have the power to transform the lives of children, youth and camp staff. I have witnessed many children who were often overlooked and broken come to Christ and find grace, love and acceptance.” —Megan Smith

“I have seen more children come to Christ through summer camps than through any other Salvation Army program or ministry.” —Sarah Hoeft

“Camp changes lives. For many of the kids, it is where they first hear about the love God has for them and the sacrifice he made to give us eternal life. We are role models who can influence them for the short time they are with us.” —Laura Beadle

Pray for our Campers
“Find out the names of the staff and which kids your corps is sending, and pray for them all by name. If you can, help sponsor a child to go to camp or donate to your camp in an area you want to see grow.” —Leon Bosse

“Pray that The Salvation Army's camping ministry remains a priority in our territory.” —Sarah Hoeft

“Pray that summer staff will have physical, emotional and spiritual strength. It is an exhausting job. Pray that the staff will be rooted and established in love, so that the love of Christ will fill them and overflow to campers.” —Megan Smith

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