General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton were warmly welcomed to Asbury University, Kentucky, USA, by its President, Dr Sandra Gray, and the entire student body.

The General acknowledged The Salvation Army's long relationship with Asbury College, recently accredited as a university, and said: 'Your reputation is a global one, particularly in The Salvation Army around the world for the influence you have had upon us. We are grateful for your witness and for your strength.'

The first Salvationist attended Asbury in 1924 and since then it has been home to as many as 93 Salvationists at any given time. More than half the 500 Salvationists who have attended Asbury went on to become Salvation Army officers.

The General challenged the students to love God with their minds, with a 'surrendered intellect', at the same time encouraging them to have a childlike faith according to the words of Christ.

Various receptions were held for the international leaders, who were accompanied by USA National leaders Commissioners Israel L. and Eva D. Gaither. The receptions were with the students, the faculty and finally with Salvationist students and staff at the Salvation Army Students Fellowship Center, which is run by USA National Headquarters under the direction of Majors Mike and Cathy Himes.

The day after their visit to Asbury, the General and Commissioner Clifton were welcomed to The Salvation Army's USA National Headquarters in Virginia. It is thought that this visit to National Headquarters was the first by a serving General travelling to the USA solely for that purpose. The international leaders toured the headquarters, greeting each employee and officer personally.

The tour took them to the Haiti Disaster Incident Command Center, located in the offices of SAWSO (Salvation Army World Service Office). A map of Haiti is prominent in the command centre and the General was shown the locations where The Salvation Army is providing emergency services. He commented on locations he and Commissioner Clifton, with Major Richard Gaudion (Private Secretary to the General), had visited while in Haiti just six weeks before the earthquake struck. The General and team members also discussed the difficulties of logistics and the transportation of supplies and personnel to Haiti.

The General and Commissioner Clifton each spoke to all headquarters staff and officers at a special luncheon and addressed the officers in council in the afternoon. Commissioner Helen Clifton spoke words of encouragement to the officers concerning their vocations to preach and to speak for the disadvantaged. The General engaged with the officers concerning national policy issues and concluded the meeting with a meditative presentation from the New Testament concerning the Christian lifestyle.

Photo: The General preaches during the chapel service at Asbury University

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