On May 9 we take time to celebrate our mothers and acknowledge the important role they've played in our upbringing. But Mother's Day also offers every mother the opportunity to reflect on the blessings of having been entrusted with the care of her child. Just like Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, we should take time to ponder these things in the heart.

Being a mother is a gift. Whether the baby is born to the woman or adopted, the child is forever connected to the mother. She waits for the moment she holds that brand new life in her arms for the first time. At that miracle moment, a magical bond makes them inseparable. There will never be another day when she doesn't think about her child. The baby becomes enmeshed in the fibre of the mother's being. From then on, the mother's heart carries the passion, hunger and drive to protect her child at all costs, even at risk of her own life.

I pray for my children without ceasing. They are in my thoughts moment by moment. Where they are, what they are doing, what they are thinking about, how their work is progressing … whatever they are experiencing in life is always on my mind. Now that is mysterious, miraculous and magical!

As any mom can tell you, watching over a child is an all-consuming job. A mother has the constant urge to guard her lamb no matter the age. And while she can rebuke or instruct at any moment, she allows no one else to speak ill toward or about her child. Her care extends to all, and she becomes a mother to all the children with whom she comes in contact. Every child matters to the heart of the Christian mom. Mothering, after all, is a God thing.

God has the character of both mother and father. He nurtures and cares as a mother would. His love is gentle and protects as no other. I have often reflected on the “mothering” that fathers do in situations where they are responsible for the care of a child. Within all of us, this mothering instinct is there. When we are in Christ, God's own being is working in us and through us as we minister to our children. There is no rhyme or reason as to the “whys” of this nature, but it is definitely there. One cannot deny the woman or man who has a mother's heart. Now that is mysterious, miraculous and magical!

A mother is an artist who weaves together the strands of silk that are hers. She feeds, trains, orders the day and guides with hands of love. This creates such beautiful artwork and her child becomes a tapestry for the world to enjoy.

Mothers are chefs. In the kitchen, a mother produces nourishment for the body, mind and spirit of everyone in her home. It has been said that “nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven.” How true I have found this to be. A homemade apple pie, brownies or chocolate chip cookies make children smile, dry their tears and fill a home with sweet smells and attitudes.

Mothers are like taxi-cab drivers. Whether driving to hockey practices, dance classes, music lessons or school, mothers are running to and fro. However, this busyness is short-lived—ask any mom who longs for those days once their children are off to university or move into their own homes. But while children may grow up and move away, they are never far from our hearts and minds. Now that is mysterious, miraculous and magical!

Within every mother is the recognition of two-way growth. Adults learn from children. Even the Bible reminds us that “a little child shall lead them” (Isaiah 11:6). That's why I stay as close to children as possible. If I can't be near the children that I raised and love, I will love the children that I am near at this time. There is a real sense within me that every child is my responsibility. Since coming to the Canada and Bermuda Territory, I identified this as my mandate and have given myself the additional title as Ambassador for Youth, Music and Hockey. How I praise the Lord for parents who share their little ones with me.

Yes, Mother's Day is special. It is a time to reflect on our blessed mothers who raised us. I think back to my own mother who led me to Jesus. Susan Marie Young Burrows was the most beautiful saint that I could ever dream to be. She was the role model for motherhood. She was mysterious, miraculous and magical!

May this day be a reminder to be a mothering influence in the life of every child who comes near us. May God help us reach out in love to all children as if they were our own. When that occurs it is definitely mysterious, miraculous and magical!

Photo: Commissioners Marilyn and William Francis with two of their grandchildren

francis_marilyn_cmsr_medCommissioner Marilyn D. Francis is Territorial President of Women's Ministries for Canada and Bermuda. Her husband, Commissioner William W. Francis, is the Territorial Commander. Commissioner Marilyn Francis is an accomplished vocalist and pianist. She has produced an audio recording of vocal and keyboard improvisation of hymns and gospel songs titled Just a Closer Walk. Commissioners Francis have two adult children, Captain William Marshall and Susan Marjorie, plus six grandchildren.


On Friday, May 7, 2010, Anonymous said:

And may I say Commissioner Marilyn, that we regard you as the Mother of our great Canada and Bermuda Territory. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day.

On Friday, May 7, 2010, Tweets that mention A Mother’s Calling : Salvationist.ca | The Salvation Army -- Topsy.com said:

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Salvationist.ca. Salvationist.ca said: A Mother’s Calling: Motherhood is mysterious, magical and miraculous http://bit.ly/afmh1j [...]

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