The General's Commissioning Message
Warmest greetings in Christ to all of you who are being commissioned and ordained today as officers of The Salvation Army.

God has touched each of your lives in a special way, calling you from your homes and from secular employment into paths of sacred service in his Army. You have responded to your vocations with glad and obedient hearts. You have shown a humble and teachable spirit during your days of training. We thank God for each of you.
Now, as you stand upon the threshold of future full-time service as officers of God's Army, I commit you to the loving care of God who will watch over you through all the years to come.
This day of commissioning and ordination will live forever in your minds and hearts as a sanctified remembrance of being sent out, trained and equipped, to witness for Christ wherever you go and to serve with humility the needs of others wherever you may find them.
Commissioner Helen Clifton joins me in warmest congratulations to you all. We are proud of you. God will use you.
Continue to be faithful Prayer Warriors day by day, and you will see lasting fruit for your efforts for the Kingdom.
Yours in Christ,
General Shaw Clifton
Challenge from the Territorial Commander
It is with deep appreciation and joy that I congratulate you upon your ordination as ministers of the gospel and commissioning as Salvation Army officers. I welcome you as officers of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

Today we celebrate God's personal, all-embracing call on your life. While it will be a privilege to ordain and commission you, it is Jesus who has chosen you. “You did not choose me,” Jesus reminds his disciples, “but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you” (John 15:16).
Your session name will serve as a continued reminder to rely on the power of prayer. You will want to begin and end each day on your knees. Remember Jesus' promise: “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:24). May you always live and serve God with a persistent prayer life.
My wife and I congratulate you and assure you of our support in prayer and any other practical way possible as you begin life's great adventure in partnership with God. We pray for vision, wisdom, guidance and courage. Keep building the Kingdom and the Army wherever you serve.
God bless you! God bless the Prayer Warriors Session! God bless the work and mission of The Salvation Army that will be fulfilled through your faithful lifetime of service!
Yours in his service,
Commissioner William W. Francis
Territorial Commander
The Principal's Commendation
I am delighted to introduce the Prayer Warriors who will be the newest lieutenants in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Their commissioning represents the completion of a 22-month intensive training process. This is the mission of the College for Officer Training (CFOT):

“The Salvation Army College for Officer Training exists to prepare, develop and inspire men and women in character and competency for Salvation Army officership.”
These new lieutenants have been formed in character, competency and spirit in order to sustain and advance the Kindgom of God and the mission of The Salvation Army. This training begins a growth process that will be lifelong and multidimensional.
I thank God for honouring these new lieutenants by reaching down and placing his hand on them to serve as officers in The Salvation Army. I commend them, without reservation, to the territory and have every confidence that “he who began a good work in [them] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
As the Prayer Warriors go forth, there are souls to be rescued, battles to be fought and won, and converts to be discipled in the Kingdom of God. Indeed, the demands and needs far outstretch the resources of the personnel we train. They will be involved in Kingdom work that is of eternal significance. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).
We need more workers in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Will you join me in praying that God will send out workers into his harvest field? Are you prepared to answer that prayer? As you reflect on the calling of these new lieutenants and how God will use them, ask yourself, “Is God calling me to serve him as an officer in The Salvation Army?”
Major Eric Bond
Principal, CFOT

Lieutenant Jeff Arkell
I will fondly remember my CFOT experience as strengthening my personal faith, challenging my thinking and forging lasting friendships with other cadets. I believe engaging in a flexible training option as corps officer in Portage La Prairie, Man., has helped equip me for future ministry by providing hands-on experience as well as an opportunity to integrate classroom learning and witness first-hand the challenges and rewards of ministry. As I look forward to ordination, commissioning and full-time service, I pray in faith that I will remain loyal to God's call on my life as an officer in the ranks of The Salvation Army.
Lieutenant Graciela Arkell
My time at CFOT was filled with blessings, spiritual growth, new learning and great experiences. During my first year I had the privilege of joining a mission team to serve in Cuba through preaching the gospel, translating, painting and sharing with fellow Cuban cadets. It was also a privilege in my second year to participate in flexible training, serving as corps officer in Portage La Prairie, Man. What an awesome journey these two years have been! Thanks be to God.
Appointed: Portage La Prairie, Man.

Lieutenant Lorri-Anne Butler
Over the past two years, I worked across Canada in nursing homes, corrections, corps and even chapel services for preschool children. My training was exciting and educational. I experienced stretching, challenges, sorrow, joy, tears, laughter, friendship and increased knowledge. My time at CFOT will remain in my memory as I have learned so much from witnessing the work of Christ in my fellow cadets and the amazing officers at CFOT and across Canada. I am truly blessed by what God has done and look forward to what he will continue to do.
Appointed: Castledowns Church, Edmonton

Lieutenant Phillip Blindenbach
In responding to God's call to train for officership, I knew that I would be stretched. That being said, working out my formation in community was a matchless blessing and one of the most cherished aspects of my training. The crucial combination of academics, field involvement and spiritual formation served as a refining process, deepening my relationship with God and my wife. My lifelong journey to become the officer God would have me be was firmly set before me during my time at CFOT. I am looking forward to joining in the work of God within the community and ministry to which I am appointed.
Lieutenant Kathy Blindenbach
I have a passion for helping others see what God values in them, and encouraging healthy and honest relationships in community. My husband and I appreciate the investment of every officer, instructor and field placement that were a part of our formation, both before and while at CFOT. The academic study and practical assignments served to deepen my relationship with God. I look forward to sharing my experience of him with others.
Appointed: East Village Mission, Calgary

Lieutenant David Bond
It was an exceptional privilege to be used by God in so many ways over these two years. My experience with the CFOT mission team during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver was one of the significant highlights of my training. It was an incredible experience for our college community to impact the world with acts of kindness. The heart of a church is in serving its community. I like the way Eugene Peterson paraphrased Hebrews 12:9, “So why not embrace God's training so we can truly live?” It is in submitting to God's training that I truly experienced freedom and many unique opportunities to share the love of God. I am excited about the future ministry God has in store for me.
Lieutenant Nyree Bond
While at CFOT, I gained knowledge in homiletics, Christian education, theology, Salvation Army history and mission as well as several biblical studies. I was afforded great opportunities to integrate this learning into my field placements at Urban Café, Southlands Community Church, Weston Community Church and membership with the Army's Social Issues Committee. Above all, I continually saw God's greatest commandment developed throughout my own spiritual formation (see Matthew 22:36-40). It is my prayer to persistently implement this in my ministry as an officer.
Appointed: Foothills Church and Community Ministries, High River, Alta.

Lieutenant Larry Campbell
As a cadet, I was challenged and saw the Lord work in my life as never before. My calling continues to be confirmed in my heart as I grow closer to the Lord. At the same time, it is clear that only through his strength am I able to accomplish anything. It is my prayer that all my plans will continue to be guided and directed by God, and that it not be my will but his that is accomplished.
Lieutenant Rose Campbell
God used my two years at CFOT to shape me for his work in ministry. As I step out, I will miss the friendships and adventures I've experienced at college, but I know God will continue to direct my path as I look ahead to the future. I look forward to serving him in any way I can.
Appointed: Bayview, N.L.

Lieutenant Michelle Elsasser
Through academic, community and field experiences, I am a different person. A highlight of my training was my work with the youth at Heritage Park Temple in Winnipeg. The time and energy that it takes to invest in young people has proven over and over to be worth every minute. This learning extends into all ministries, where I am constantly blessed by other people. As my husband and I take our two children, Janna and Caleb, on this officer journey, we are trusting in God to fulfil his promise to use us in mighty ways.
Lieutenant Kevin Elsasser
I learned many things at CFOT and grew significantly in my relationship with Christ. A passage of Scripture that continues to challenge me is from Joshua 1:8: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” This verse will lead me into my first appointment where it will bear much fruit.
Appointed: Peace River Community Church, Alta.

Lieutenant Kristen Gray
I had a multitude of life-changing experiences both within the CFOT community and during the time I spent in assignments in Parry Sound, Ont., Saskatoon and at my brigading corps at Heritage Park Temple in Winnipeg. I met people who impacted me in so many ways and made lifelong friends who I know will be with me on the remainder of my life's journey. But most importantly, through this time of academics, field training, community living and spiritual formation, God taught me much about myself and others, and continues to shape and mould me into the person that he wants me to be. I look forward with anticipation to what lies ahead on the road of life and know that wherever God sends my son and me, for ministry or otherwise, he will continue to go ahead in preparation of our arrival.
Appointed: Essex Community Church, Ont.

Lieutenant Melissa Haas
While at CFOT, I was stretched, transformed and affirmed in my calling to full-time ministry. It's been powerful to see God at work in me and through me in ways that I could never have imagined. Throughout my time at college, I realized that God does not call the qualified; rather, he qualifies those he calls. I give God the glory for what he has done in my life and I now embark into my future ministry as a Salvation Army officer, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in [me] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
Lieutenant Brent Haas
It's hard to believe that my training college experience has come to an end. These past months have been filled with new friendships, impacting learning and transforming God moments that I will forever cherish. One of the greatest highlights of my training experience has been the opportunities to partner with ministry units throughout the country and to witness God mightily at work through The Salvation Army from coast to coast. I anticipate living out my calling of full-time ministry as a Salvation Army officer.
Appointed: New-Wes-Valley Corps, Wesleyville, N.L.

Lieutenant Wayne Knight
To say that training at CFOT was an adventure would be an understatement. The journey to and through CFOT started when I entered the lieutenant's program in the summer of 2004. If someone had told me then that the journey would entail getting married and going to training college, I would have replied, “No way!” But the Lord knew otherwise, and I can only thank him for his vision and his provision. I am excited to see where he will take us from here. We will gladly go where he sends us.
Lieutenant Elizabeth Knight
At CFOT, I was challenged to try new things and to step out of my comfort zone. I am humbled by the work God is doing in me and by the work he chooses to do through me. I've been blessed by the people I've met, the places I've been and the many experiences I've had. Now, with my husband, I am looking forward to serving God and the community to which we are appointed as officers of The Salvation Army.
Appointed: South Shore Corps, Montreal

Lieutenant Carolyn Reid
Over the last two years, God prepared me for officership. I've had many great experiences and am grateful for the privilege to have shared in ministry with some wonderful session-mates and outstanding officer staff. God has been working on me; he instilled a quiet confidence within that empowers me to proclaim his glory. One of the greatest experiences was when my husband and I spent a week last summer at the Territorial School of Music and Gospel Arts. Every night before the lights went out, we sang, “In my life, Lord, be glorified.” To witness campers of all ages and faculty come together and make this their prayer every single night was truly moving. My prayer as I enter into officership is for my life and ministry to always be glorifying to God.
Lieutenant Fred Reid
Training college was full of wonderful experiences. I know that God was walking with me, instructing me and preparing me throughout these last two years for service with The Salvation Army. As I look forward to ministering with him, I have faith that he will go with me and use me for the glory of his Kingdom! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
Appointed: Bracebridge Community Church, Ont.

Partners in Training
During the second year of their training, the Prayer Warriors were joined by Cadets Saeng-Yon Lee and Hye-Young Cho from the Korea Territory. “Having had the opportunity to train in two training colleges—Canada and Korea—was a great privilege,” says new Lieutenant Saeng-Yon Lee. “Before entering training college, I had doubts about my future, but now it is clear. God did not tell me where I would go, but he says that he will always be with me. It will be joyful to journey the world with God. He gives us strength and will be with us wherever we go. We know that we 'can do all this through him who gives [us] strength' ”
(Philippians 4:13). The lieutenants and their son, Joon, will return to the Korea Territory upon their commissioning.
To any church that will listen to me. I ask that you pray to Jesus Christ for my salvation because as I am speaking right now I am being demon possessed that in several occassions I have tried to cast out but this demon would not leave my presence. I am using all of my strength stay alive because this demon said that nobody can cast him away. He wants to take my life away from me and kill me. I don't know how long I have left to live on this earth but I am asking everyone to pray to Jesus Christ to bring me back to life. I am currently homeless. I can feel this demon touching me all of my days for a little over 4 years this has happens to me. Nobody has ever being able to cast this demon out. I know because I went to several pastors to cast him away. He says that the only way to cast him away is when Jesus Christ himself does it. This is all true and I am writting to as many people to send a message to Yehweh and Jesus Christ to allow me to come back to life like Jesus did for Lazarus. All of you please pray for this miracle to happen to me. And tell Jesus Christ that if I come back, that me a chief sinner would do everything he ask of me. I am all alone in this.