What's that you say? I'm being sacrilegious?
Not so. Philippians 4:8 says: “… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” And believe me, a hot fudge sundae, coated with peanuts and topped with a cherry, is a pure delight. It is a lovely thing to behold and to enjoy. And it does my heart good (even if my doctor disagrees) to think about such a thing.
Summers were given to us to enjoy. And vacation is a time of renewal. Jesus once told his disciples, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31). He recognized they were living such busy lives that if they did not stop for physical, spiritual and emotional renewal they would soon experience a breakdown.
So here is my practical suggestion for getting the most out of your summer: Enjoy all things that are excellent or praiseworthy. As Paul suggests in Philippians 4:8, we are to reflect on those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. I like this verse because it allows me to enjoy many things that are not labelled “religious.”
Sometimes Christians are too religious. They won't watch a movie unless it was produced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. They won't read a book unless it was written by Tony Campolo, Josh McDowell or Rick Warren. They won't go to an amusement park because it's not good stewardship, and they wouldn't think about buying cotton candy or a double-chocolate, triple-decker, sugar-cone ice cream topped with peanuts, whipped cream and a cherry because those things are “sinfully delicious.”
But Philippians 4:8 says, “whatever is lovely … think about those things.” And believe me, a double-chocolate, triple-decker, sugar-cone ice cream topped with peanuts, whipped cream and a cherry is a lovely thing.
Now I'm not saying overindulge in those things, but I am saying treat yourself to some of the good things of life now and then. And don't burden yourself with false guilt.
Philippians 4:8 will not only help you to identify those things that will nourish you spiritually, it will also help you to identify those things that will weaken your faith and harm you spiritually.
Consider your choice of reading material this summer—the books and magazines that you will read in your leisure time. Books that are filled with excessive violence, coarse language and promote lust and promiscuity are not noble, pure, admirable or praiseworthy. On the other hand, books that promote healthy relationships or that shed light on some sociological or psychological problem (even if they are “secular” books) can be admirable and praiseworthy. Of course, inspiring stories of people of faith, if they are well written, are also admirable and praiseworthy.
The same holds true for the movies we watch, the music we listen to, the radio station we tune in to or the television program we view. The test of whether or not a particular movie, song or program is one that we should watch or listen to is Philippians 4:8. If the media is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable or praiseworthy, then we can enjoy it without guilt or blame. If not, then we should stay away from it.
We should not come back from vacation feeling exhausted, guilty and in debt. We should return renewed physically, emotionally and spiritually. So along with that hot fudge sundae, have a generous dish of prayer. Take some time to taste the delights of God's Word. And share in healthy fellowship with other believers.
Jesus liked the good things of life. He enjoyed sharing meals with his disciples—in their homes, at the beach and on the green hills of Galilee. He enjoyed boating and fishing. He enjoyed long walks in the countryside. He enjoyed a campfire and fellowship with friends. (It's all in the Gospels.)
And I'm sure that given the opportunity, he would also enjoy eating a hot fudge sundae topped with peanuts and a cherry.

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