General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton visited The Salvation Army's Korea Territory to open The Salvation Army Building in Seoul. The building, 17 storeys high with six basement levels, was constructed to celebrate the 2008 centenary of Salvation Army work on the Korean peninsula.
The new building houses a number of major businesses, the territorial headquarters and a 560-seat auditorium – known as The Salvation Army Art Hall – which can be hired out and will be used for Salvation Army events. The territory's trade department is in a strategic area, immediately by the entrance to the subway station which is a transfer stop for two lines of the city's rail transport system.
In time it is hoped that income from the rental of commercial space in the building will help fund the territory's work and also allow Korea to support Salvation Army ministry overseas.
The General and Commissioner Clifton commenced their visit with a tape-cutting ceremony at the front doors to the building, followed by the unveiling of a celebration stone signifying the official opening. Civic dignitaries taking part in this event included the First Vice Minister of the Republic of Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, representing Minister Yu, In-chon; National Assemblyman Lee, Sung-hun; Chairman of the NCCK (National Council of Churches of Korea) Reverend Chun, Byung-ho; and Mr Moon, Seok-jin, Head of the Seodaemun Gu District of Seoul.

The official party then moved to The Salvation Army Art Hall where Salvationists and interested friends had gathered for the official opening and dedication meeting led by the Territorial Commander, Commissioner Chun, Kwang-pyo. General Clifton expressed appreciation to all Korean Salvationists for their sacrificial offerings and consecration for this historic building which will help support ministry of The Salvation Army not only within the territory but also overseas.
The General gave an encouraging Bible address and Commissioner Clifton offered a prayer of dedication.
During this two-hour meeting, filled with thanksgiving and joyfulness to God, the territorial commander presented plaques of appreciation to those who made significant contributions to the building, including representatives of the Doosan Construction & Engineering Company and Heerim Architects & Planners. In appreciation to The Salvation Army for its ministry to the peoples of the nation, a donation of 1.6 billion Won (approximately US$1.35 million) was presented by the Doosan company.
After the meeting some 200 special guests from the community, government agencies and Christian bodies joined the international leaders and retired territorial leaders for a reception on the second floor of the building.
In the evening The Salvation Army Art Hall hosted the Celebratory Musical Performance featuring the Korea Staff Band and guest musicians.
On Sunday morning the General and Commissioner Clifton worshipped with 430 Salvationists and friends at Seoul First Corps. Following the General's Bible message for those present to be holy Christians, many accepted the invitation to kneel in prayer at the mercy seat.
In the afternoon a united divisional salvation meeting was held at Yung Deung Po, in the biggest corps building in Seoul. Around 1,200 Salvationists and friends enjoyed a variety of activities.
A joyful medley of the Korean folk song 'Arirang', presented by the Korea Mission Singers, brought the house down! The group, dressed in the tradtional Korean hanbok, had just returned from participating in The Salvation Army's World Youth Convention in Sweden.
During the meeting the General offered blessing through the words of his testimony, while Commissioner Helen Clifton exhorted the congregation to be accountable as Christians. At the conclusion of the meeting, the majority of people in the building stood in affirmation of their desire to have Christ-centred lives.
Following this, the international leaders enjoyed a time of fellowship with current and retired territorial leaders. They reflected on the past ministry of The Salvation Army in Korea and discussed the possibilities of a bright future with the territory's ongoing aims and objectives.
On Saturday, July 16, 2022, Saviour Divine said:
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