The Salvation Army in Pakistan is preparing to help people who have lost homes and possessions in the worst floods for 80 years. It is thought that more than 1,400 people lost their lives in flooding which left 25,000 more trapped and awaiting rescue. More than a million people are thought to be homeless.

The Salvation Army's divisional commander in Islamabad and the corps officers (church ministers) from Peshawar are aware of at least 3,000 families in the areas of Peshawar, Charsada, Noshera, Jhanghira, Tar Nab, and Rasalpur who need food, cooking/eating utensils and bedding materials.

An initial sum of US$20,000 from International Headquarters and $28,000 from the Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory will allow the local Salvation Army to begin an urgent response. While this is taking place, Salvation Army emergency relief team members in Pakistan are conducting a thorough assessment of the situation and will liaise with the government's National Management Disaster Authority to ensure that relief efforts are not duplicated.


On Tuesday, May 12, 2015, Hina Mansoor said:

I hope funds are allocated with complete transparency unlike previous history. Thank you for contributing to this major cause.

On Thursday, August 5, 2010, Tweets that mention Pakistan Flood Relief : The Salvation Army | -- said:

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Regulus NH. Regulus NH said: RT @Salvationist: Pakistan Flood Relief: Salvation Army in Pakistan Prepares Flood Response [...]

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