Turning Point
“Where would you be if you didn't know the Lord?” asked Major Donna Bond, director of spiritual formation. Responses came through the testimonies of two cadets of the Friends of Christ Session. Cadet Bethany Howard, a spinal cancer survivor, spoke of God's miraculous healing in her life. “If I can get through the surgery and recovery, I can get through anything,” she said, referencing Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Cadet Dennis Maybury thanked God for the opportunity to know Jesus and spoke knowingly of what God can do in people's lives. He claimed the promise of Philippians 2:20, “I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare.”
Cadet Cory Fifield presented a musical selection, singing, “I need you more, more than yesterday, more than words can ever say, more than ever before.” The heartfelt words offered a bridge into the territorial commander's message entitled, Quest … To Know Him.
Commissioner William Francis declared that the welcome weekend for the Friends of Christ marked a turning point in their lives and the future of The Salvation Army. Each cadet has chosen a journey leading to Salvation Army officership that will take them in a new direction for their lives. “While in training, you will be prepared to minister to a dark world, to a pessimistic world, to a world that hasn't heard the message of Jesus Christ,” said Commissioner Francis. “You will be proclaiming new life to those who have not heard the Good News before.

Responding to the challenge, cadets and other Salvationists knelt at the mercy seat.
At the luncheon held at the conclusion of the service, second-year Cadet Kyla McKenzie spoke on behalf of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session, assuring the first-year cadets of their prayers, support and fellowship during the upcoming year.
New Identities
The public welcome for the Friends of Christ commenced later that afternoon at Southlands Community Church where a crowd of 250 gathered to join in the excitement of the event. Friends, family and leaders of The Salvation Army were greeted by a prelude of music offered by the Winnipeg East Corps Band. Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis, Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd, and Majors Eric and Donna Bond marched into the sanctuary as the band played. Second-year Cadet Joshua Downer proudly entered the sanctuary carrying the CFOT flag, immediately followed by Cadet Kim Chan carrying the Friends of Christ sessional flag.
As the music played and excitement mounted, each Friends of Christ's photo was displayed on the screen as they marched into the sanctuary. Following introductory remarks by Major Eric Bond, the worship continued under the leadership of the CFOT worship team, comprised of Cadets Jennifer and Joshua Ivany, Kyla McKenzie, Jason Dockery and Joshua Downer. Appropriately offered for this occasion were the words to the chorus, “I am a friend of God, he calls me friend.” The sung praises were followed by a prayer of thanksgiving presented for the session by Lt-Colonel Sandra Rice, secretary for personnel.
The sessional song, Friends of Christ, was written and led by Cadet Joshua Ivany. The song declares, “We are Friends of Christ, we are friends of the lost, we will fight for justice, we will serve you, Lord, we will trust you, Lord, we will be happy in Jesus.”
“The Friends of Christ have come to Winnipeg to train as Salvation Army officers,” said Major Eric Bond. “They have left work as chaplains, labourers, IT trainers, teachers, taxi drivers and community youth workers to follow God's call on their lives.” Continuing with the introductions, Major Keith Pike, director of field education, interviewed Cadet Jason Dockeray who shared how his training as a church planter and experience as an emergency youth worker encouraged him to accept God's call on his life.
Cadet Laura Van Schaick enhanced the worship atmosphere with a violin solo of All That I Am. As a hush came over the congregation, Cadet Kim Chan proudly displayed the Friends of Christ sessional flag. Commissioner William Francis dedicated the flag and reflected on the meaning of its colours: yellow, symbolizing the Holy Spirit; red, the blood of Christ; and blue, holiness.
Colonel Floyd Tidd, chief secretary, preached a message from John 15:1-17, in which he emphasized the importance of being a friend of Christ. He said that in claiming the name “Friend of Christ,” we are compelled to identify with Jesus and love people as he does. A challenge was then given to the cadets, and the entire congregation, to dedicate their lives to serving God.
Photos: Carson Samson
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