Salvationists who gathered from across Japan for the territorial congress had an opportunity ahead of the public meetings to meet personally with guest leaders the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Barry C. Swanson, and Commissioner Sue Swanson, World Secretary for Women's Ministries. Over the weekend they would get to know their visitors even better.
In the first meeting, following a welcome from Territorial Commander Commissioner Makoto Yoshida, the Chief of the Staff told the congregation how delighted he and his wife were to visit Japan. He encouraged his listeners to enjoy their relationship with Christ for spiritual growth.
In a relaxed question-and-answer time later in the day the visiting leaders gave honest and humorous answers to questions about how they met, how they seek refreshment, and about their family.
A "Thanksgiving to the Past" meeting looked back on the 115-year history of Japan Territory's ministries to "the least." The congregation included people from Salvation Army social institutions and hospitals.
A presentation about the territory's history, including images on a large screen as well as live performances and drama, left a strong impression on the congregation's hearts that The Salvation Army would continue to work in the future.
The Chief of the Staff told the congregation: "Let us seek for blessings like Caleb who looked back to history, remembered God's promise and sought for blessings in his total obedience." Many people went forward to the mercy seat as the Holy Spirit moved among them.
The next morning music from the Japan Staff Band welcomed the Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Sue Swanson to the holiness meeting. Commissioner Sue Swanson gave a special message for the children, using a compass and telling them: "We can find God from anywhere." The children stood while the commissioner prayed for them.
Applause and shouts of "Hallelujah!" accompanied the enrolment of 11 senior soldiers before the Japan Staff Songsters sang of the joy of salvation.
During a congregational song, an announcement was made that another two candidates had been accepted for the Proclaimers of the Resurrection Session of cadets in April 2011, which was an answer to prayers.
In his Bible message the Chief of the Staff said: "The Spirit of Christ needs to fill us and overflow from us. That is holiness." In the prayer time that followed, many people moved forward and knelt at the mercy seat.
The "Show Us the Vision" meeting, the final public meeting of the congress, began with a prayer from a young Salvationist followed by a presentation that depicted the importance of Salvation Army work in Japan today.
The Chief of the Staff told the congregation: "Let us all ask the Lord Jesus to show us a vision. The important thing is our obedience to what the Lord is about to tell us." Many prayers for dedication and salvation were made at the mercy seat.
The congress concluded with a relaxed time of fellowship with the territory's young people.
A buffet saw Commissioner Sue Swanson carrying sushi plates and serving. Her cheerful and friendly attitude attracted the young people who surrounded the visitors, taking pictures with them and trying to speak in English. The hall was filled with talk and laughter.
A further question-and-answer time allowed the young people to get to know the Swansons better. When the Chief was asked: "How did you feel when you were appointed as the Chief of the Staff?" his honest answer was: "I was shocked!"
The next day, after leading officers councils, the international visitors joined the congregation in a huge commercial building in Tokyo for the second of two special Christmas "Promenade Concerts" to launch the territory's Christmas Kettle fundraising scheme.
Music was provided by the Japan Staff Band and Cantata Musica Tokyo, a Christian choir. Displays from timbrelists attracted an audience and many shoppers stopped to enjoy the performance.
The Chief of the Staff told the audience that by offering a helping hand all over the world The Salvation Army is "sharing the heart of Jesus." Commissioner Sue Swanson joined her husband in making the first donation to the Christmas Kettle.
During the concert a single flower was distributed to each person in the audience. Commissioner Sue Swanson joined in this activity, interacting with many people.
On Monday, May 9, 2011, Kayli said:
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!
Follow Okta Sudirman’s journey at the William Booth College for Officer Training in Jakarta. Once struggling, Okta’s life was transformed by faith and a calling to serve God. Now, as a cadet, he’s learning to make a difference and inspire others. Experience the camaraderie and spiritual growth of future officers dedicated to spreading hope. To
An honest conversation about where we’ve succeeded with gender equity and where we’ve still got work to do, featuring Commissioner Lee Graves and Lt-Colonel Wanda Vincent.
On Monday, May 9, 2011, Kayli said:
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