How did Lent come to be observed as it is today? The evidence suggests that at first only a few days of fasting directly before Easter Sunday were observed, but as time passed a lengthier period of strict observance was adopted. By the fifth century, some believed a 40-day fast had been established by the Twelve Apostles, but this seems unlikely given the diversity of practice in Easter preparations prior to that time.
Though a 40-day period of fasting was eventually to prevail, at first this was adhered to in a variety of manners. Sunday was never included, but in some places the fast period lasted for eight weeks rather than the six that had become standard. This was the result of not including Saturday or Sunday in the calculation of the 40 days of Lent.
Even the reason for 40 days is not clear. Most often the connection is made to Jesus fasting in the wilderness for 40 days during the temptation, in preparation for His mission. This analogy itself draws on traditions connected with similar desert times in the lives of Moses and Elijah (see Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2; Exodus 24:18; 1 Kings 19:8). A connection has also been made to the period of 40 hours Jesus spent in the tomb.
Over the centuries a variety of approaches to fasting during these days has also characterized the keeping of Lent. At first a very rigorous fast was followed. Then the custom of breaking in the evening for a small, simple meal prevailed. For centuries, fasting from meat and fish during Lent was typical. Later, certain days of fasting within the Lenten period became accepted practice.
Eventually, for most traditions, Lent was observed by the abstinence from certain foods or pleasures during the season. For Salvationists, the idea of self-denial comes from these later Lenten traditions. The practice of giving up something we enjoy in honour of Christ, then contributing what we would have spent on chocolate, coffee or movies to care for the needs of others, picks up on these ways of marking the days of Lent. And of course, the very act of denying ourselves is to remind us of the sacrifices made by Jesus on our behalf.
Confession of Sins
Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten period. Tradi-tionally, the worshipper went to church the day before to confess his sin and repent. Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent begins, derives its name from the Old English word describing one's appearance before the priest for confession. Mardi Gras, another name for the same day derived from French, literally means “fat Tuesday,” and marks the last day to indulge in life's pleasures before the fast of Lent begins. Unfortunately this celebration has often taken a turn never intended by the Church.
On Ash Wednesday, worshippers who have confessed their sin have their heads or foreheads marked with ashes as a symbol of their repentance. Thus begins a time of mourning and sorrow for the death and pain that sin brings into the world. It is a time when penitent individuals recognize that there is nothing they can do to earn their own salvation, and seek to humble themselves before God in dust and ashes. As Christians, we recognize the price paid by Jesus—His death on the cross—to atone for our sins. We also prepare ourselves to participate fully in the joy and transformation of His resurrection. But first we journey with Him through the darkness and pain and suffering of the road to the cross.
Identification with Christ
As we reflect on the path Jesus took in the desert, overcoming temptation to embrace the will of His Father, we are called to strive to overcome those passions and desires that would separate us from God and direct us on to paths that celebrate power and status over humility and service.
As we journey with Jesus toward the cross we are invited into the fellowship of His sufferings. We prepare to lose ourselves in God so that we might find ourselves alive—transformed with our risen Lord to live life with newness, in fellowship with God and in obedience to His purposes in our world. This is the real purpose of Lent.
Temptations Pass You By,--- True meaning of Lent--
As I think about things in the darkness of night,
There is something that turns that darkness into light.
The darkest of night is presented by the things that happened and not planned,
And the Light is presented by what the Lord does for us and we try to understand.
So as we all walk and wander lost and go around,
We need to seek the LORD and ask him to help us get found.
This makes me want to make that I do everything for Christ and be fair,
Taking this time to develop the daily strength and discipline the bonding time and prayer.
It is also good for me to think of the positive things in life and put them in their place,
Living a life like this will keep Christ in your heart and showing of your face.
So as we think about the things that and go and tempt us from the start,
We should remember Do What Jesus Would Do in our heart.
By remember the Story of Jesus being tempted in the desert by Satan for 40 Days/Nights.
And how Jesus looked at him and then bent and prayed until He saw the True Light.
Satan asked Him if you are hungry and you are the Son of God then you can turn this stone to bread.
Jesus answered, and said I am the Son of God and man cannot live on bread alone, but on the words that come out of God’s mouth instead.
As Satan took Christ up to the top of the Holy City, and He asked Christ if you the Son of God then throw yourself down and have the angles lift you up and prove me that you are the best.
Well Christ answered him that it is written not to put god to the test.
Finally Satan took Jesus up very high and showed him the kingdoms of the world and said this can be yours if you bend down and worship me.
Jesus looked at him and told to back away because it is written that I am here to worship my Father only.
But also think of the things that Christ would want us to do,
For God will help you and deliver you through.
By Frank Pulver-- Desmond Titus
Salvation Army -- Salvation Army
Lakeland, Fl -- Salisbury, Wiltshire(England)