When Agata Wroblewski married more than 20 years ago, she expected to stay with her husband for life. But things turned out differently.
In March 2009, Agata arrived at Toronto's Pearson International Airport with only a suitcase full of court documents, a change of clothes and $81.
“My entire world had collapsed,” she says.
A World in Ruin Originally from Poland, Agata, her husband and six-year-old daughter immigrated to London, Ont., in 1993. They settled in quickly. “My husband taught engineering at the University of Western Ontario and I studied at Fanshawe College to become certified in interior design,” says the 45-year-old. “We were a normal, hard-working, Christian family.”
After several years at the university, Agata's husband secured employment in the automotive industry. In 2006, he was offered a high-profile career opportunity as the chief of his company's European engineering department, along with a significant salary increase. “It was a fantastic opportunity for us to live in the United Kingdom and travel throughout Europe,” says Agata.
With their future seemingly bright, Agata resigned from her interior decorating job, rented out their home in Canada and moved the family to England.
Three years in England flashed by as the Wroblewskis built memories, shared experiences and dreamt of their future. Then one day, in an instant, Agata's world turned to ruin.
“I'm having an affair,” Agata's husband announced. “I'm in love with our best friend's daughter. Our marriage is done and, to me, you simply don't exist.”
From London, England, to London, Ontario Her husband's bombshell left Agata homeless, friendless and penniless. He refused to provide any financial assistance or give her access to their house in Canada, and her lawyer's repeated attempts to receive aid from his company were ignored.
Then, to add to her already desperate situation, Agata started growing weak and tired. She attributed it to
her struggles but when excessive sweating and tremors started to occur, she sought medical attention. The
doctor diagnosed a hyperactive thyroid, a result of immense stress, which would later develop into cancer.
“Because my social status had changed, my 'friends' abandoned me,” continues Agata. “I was sick and alone.” Even her pleas to local churches in England were turned down.
“I couldn't find any support,” she continues. “I kept asking God, 'Why?' I had always been a faithful wife, mother and friend.”
Devastated and with no one to turn to, Agata chose to return to Canada where she had taken up citizenship. Her former employer offered to pay for her plane fare, but she had to leave her daughter, who stayed in England to work and study.
When she'd lived in London, Ont., Agata had often read about The Salvation Army and their services, so she wrote to the Army's Centre of Hope explaining her need for temporary shelter. The centre's director, Major Neil Lewis, immediately responded to say that their doors were open and they had a bed for her.
“What little money I had paid for a bus ticket from the airport in Toronto to London, where I went directly to The Salvation Army,” says Agata. “There was no question they were there to help. I felt blessed.”
Newfound Joy Agata soon found out that her husband, his girlfriend and their new child came to Canada shortly before she did, and her lawyers appeared at his office demanding financial aid and permission for her to enter the house. Within days, her husband quit his job, closed all his accounts and fled Canada.
Agata continuously fought for financial support and a court order to gain access to her home. By law she was not allowed to enter her home without her husband's approval, and he refused to give it to her.
To make matters worse, radiation treatments for her cancer resulted in nausea, vomiting and fatigue, and Agata was unable to work.
My God, I am alone, without family, despaired Agata. How will I make it? Fortunately, when her insurance didn't cover her needed medication, The Salvation Army assisted with the costs.
“Their help was unconditional and overwhelming,” she states.
Agata and her lawyers refused to give up and, after 162 days at The Salvation Army shelter, she moved home, court order in hand. She had $60 in her pocket. Once again, The Salvation Army provided—with blankets, pillows, dishes, food, some furniture—everything to start over. This ongoing support restored her faith in humanity.
Since then, Agata has completed radiation, reunited with her daughter, who lives with her, and found employment. Now divorced, she is also a motivational speaker and volunteers at the centre.
“When you fall into poverty, everything looks different,” says Agata. “Through the Army's compassion and practical assistance I have a newfound joy, self-worth and confidence in myself. Life is finally getting back to normal.”
On Wednesday, June 15, 2011, Lisa B.K said:
Hello. I am in a rough situation as well reguarding court, custody and no job.
I am searching any advice and help I can get from any source.
So far Im not having any luck still after 3 years of issues.
My problem is my ex is controlled by his girlfriend. And they have had my daughter since June 2008. The cost of court and lack of help from legal aid lawyers taxpayers etc is doing no good to any1. And ex has kept our child from me as much as possible, and my family too, along with broken court orders. I think what I need more so then money can buy is the help of Salvation Army or there lawyer to talk to my ex and make him realize the wrong he is doing and the harm he is doing to all involved including himself and make him realize that most important our daughters health and mental health is to her and us as her parents. If the law has not helped in 3 years then i need the help of higher power... God and the salvation army people to make ex realise his wrong doings and make him be truthful and stop breaking court orders and harming our daughters mind.
If this can not be done through God's power then I will have totally lost all faith, as my faith is very low in the past 3 years. So if any1 can help Im willing to take any advice and support.
Thanx to all who read this.
On Saturday, April 30, 2011, Charles wiscombe said:
It is great to know that the Salvation Army is at work "oh to be His hand extended."
reaching out to the opressed let me touch Him let me touch Jesus so that others may know and be blessed.
That what came to mind as I read the story
God Bless
Follow Okta Sudirman’s journey at the William Booth College for Officer Training in Jakarta. Once struggling, Okta’s life was transformed by faith and a calling to serve God. Now, as a cadet, he’s learning to make a difference and inspire others. Experience the camaraderie and spiritual growth of future officers dedicated to spreading hope. To
Ukrainian pastors, church leaders and their families enjoyed two weeks of peace at The Salvation Army’s campsite in Latvia, hosted by The Salvation Army’s Sweden and Latvia Territory. The Australian Salvation Army International Development (SAID) funded the retreat. “The retreat was designed for the families to have time together in a safe environment,” explains Major Elizabeth Garland, an Australian pastor serving as a development officer in the Eastern Europe Territoty.
“Is there a diet for people like us?” asked a client in a nutrition class at Harbour Light, a Salvation Army addictions treatment program in Vancouver, where I was a dietitian for more than a decade. This facility is in the roughest and least-understood neighbourhood in the city. The session was with clients in the first and hardest weeks of the
I am searching any advice and help I can get from any source.
So far Im not having any luck still after 3 years of issues.
My problem is my ex is controlled by his girlfriend. And they have had my daughter since June 2008. The cost of court and lack of help from legal aid lawyers taxpayers etc is doing no good to any1. And ex has kept our child from me as much as possible, and my family too, along with broken court orders. I think what I need more so then money can buy is the help of Salvation Army or there lawyer to talk to my ex and make him realize the wrong he is doing and the harm he is doing to all involved including himself and make him realize that most important our daughters health and mental health is to her and us as her parents. If the law has not helped in 3 years then i need the help of higher power... God and the salvation army people to make ex realise his wrong doings and make him be truthful and stop breaking court orders and harming our daughters mind.
If this can not be done through God's power then I will have totally lost all faith, as my faith is very low in the past 3 years. So if any1 can help Im willing to take any advice and support.
Thanx to all who read this.