Members of The Salvation Army's International Doctrine Council met for the fourth session of bilateral dialogue with representatives of the World Methodist Council at their world headquarters in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, USA, from 19-23 March 2011.
The first dialogue was held at The Salvation Army's Sunbury Court Conference Centre outside London, UK, in June 2003, followed by a second gathering at Lake Junaluska in January 2005, and a third meeting at Sunbury Court in March 2009.
The recent dialogue was convened by co-secretaries Commissioner William Francis and Bishop Heinrich Bolleter, in consultation with Dr Jonathan Raymond (The Salvation Army) and Dr Paul Chilcote (World Methodist Council), co-chairpersons for the past two of the four dialogues. Lieut-Colonel Richard Munn served as co-chairperson pro tem for this dialogue in the absence of Dr Raymond, who was unable to attend.
The theme for the latest dialogue was 'Working Together in Mission: Witness, Education and Service'. The process was evenly divided, with seven people representing each tradition. Participants were honoured to have Dr George Freeman, Executive Secretary of the World Methodist Council, in attendance for most of the gathering. Dr Freeman, along with Colonel Earl Robinson, served as co-secretaries for the bilateral dialogues in 2003 and 2005.
International Doctrine Council Meets in USA
by Lieut-Colonel Karen Shakespeare, secretary to the International Doctrine Council
The Salvation Army's International Doctrine Council (IDC) met at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, USA, from 23-26 March 2011. The meeting followed a bilateral dialogue with representatives of the World Methodist Council – the fourth such gathering – which included some IDC members.
Major Elsa Oalang (The Philippines Territory) and Captain Milon Dias (Bangladesh Command) were welcomed to their first meeting as members of the IDC. The council comprises members from each of the five Salvation Army zones, which ensures that the perspective of different cultures and Salvation Army traditions is represented in discussion.
During the meeting work on a number of writing projects was reviewed and discussed as the IDC seeks to explore ways in which Salvation Army doctrine can be effectively communicated and taught.
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