Every Thursday, The Salvation Army around the world is in prayer for the entire day. Territories, commands and individual Salvationists have signed up, covenanting to use 30 minutes each Thursday between 5.00am and 8.00am to pray for the Army – its zeal for God, its compassionate service in every community and its daring and fruitful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Driven by a desire to be the people God wants us to be and to do what he wants us to do, we commit ourselves to seeking the only One who can empower us with the Holy Spirit and energize and equip us for ministry in the 21st century.
One officer has written to me, 'Some corps and divisional headquarters have changed their regular weekly prayer time to Thursday so more and more of us are lifting our requests to God at the same time. I've just come from the territorial headquarters prayer meeting where one pray-er likened this worldwide prayer meeting to a “Mexican wave” making its way around the globe as Thursday dawns in each new place – that's one massive Mexican wave which God will not ignore.'
May the Lord hear the prayers of the tens of thousands of Salvationists united in seeking him. (Click here to sign up.)
The logo above features the 'One Army, One Mission, One Message' headings which are at the heart of the vision for the international Salvation Army launched on Thursday 13 October 2011. The statement is brought to life through the Vision Plan (downloadable from http://sar.my/one), which includes 12 International Mission Priorities. The priorities are headed by a determined 'we will'.
Let's pray through the vision. Let's pray specifically for each Mission Priority. Dwell on each phrase in the Vision Statement and in each priority. Explore what they mean for you personally as well as for your corps/centre, division, command/territory and for the Army internationally.
Begin with praise and thanksgiving, for we have been a blessed people, and a blessing, since he called the Army into being almost 150 years ago. Then let's move to confession – where we have failed him – possibly because we have been more concerned about our own image and self-preservation than the winning of the lost. Let's petition and intercede so that we will be found faithful in holy living, sanctified activism and fruitful ministry. Let's offer ourselves afresh for him to use his Army for his will and purpose in the 21st century.
Locally your territory/command may be using different language or terminology when it comes to mission and vision, but at the heart of it all is being faithful as his people in his service.
So together, let's praise, confess, ask and surrender to him to see Spirit-inspired and Spirit-blessed action.
May the Lord be honoured and glorified as we unite in prayer.
Yours sincerely,

Click here to read other installments of Sharing the Vision.
why is there a "social justice" vs. "calling of the Lord" feel to your comment?
what do you mean by "calling of the Lord?"
"Ones dignity is of no value in hell." what does this mean? what are you saying with this comment?
your comment about prayer is wonderful. we need more prayer. no doubt.